I swear to God…a bigger floating abortion has yet to be built!
By MarEx 2016-02-03 18:59:57
Approaching ZOMC Zhen Hua 30 in Chanxiang Base
The Zhen Hua 30, the world’s largest self-propelled single boom crane vessel, has achieved a record lift during commissioning.
After completing integration of the 12 DP2 thrusters, final commissioning commenced at owner ZPMC-OTL Marine Contractor’s Chanxiang base, north of Shanghai, in December. Throughout January, Zhen Hua 30 completed a series of lifting tests and verified the as-built capacity of the main hook with a 7,700t lift in revolving mode and a 13,200 metric tons (or 14,551 tons) lift in tie-back mode.
In addition to class society ABS, the testing was witnessed by several domestic and international clients as well as Chinese and Korean government officials to confirm completion of the lift testing.
The Honk-Kong-flagged vessel was built by Zhenhua Heavy Industries (ZPMC). It has an overall length of 297.6m (976.4 feet), a breadth of 58m (190 feet), and a depth of 28.8m (94.5 feet). It can accommodate 380 people and has a transit speed of 12 knots. The vessel is fitted with Kongsberg DP2 and ABB and Rolls-Royce thrusters.
Since 2005, the yard has built 18 specialty offshore construction vessels with crane capacities of 2,000t or larger.
ZPMC-OTL Marine Contractor (ZOMC) is a joint venture between ZPMC Offshore Services Group and OffshoreTech. The global alliance provides the oil and gas market with access to unique niche vessels and engineering services for execution of a broad range of complex offshore projects serving client needs through the full lifecycle of a facility from greenfield installation, brownfield modifications and ultimately decommissioning.
The company fleet currently consists of two heavy lift vessels, 23 transportation vessels, five shear leg cranes, 18 tugs, 22 barges, and three jack-up barges.