Coast Guard Inks Deal to Acquire ‘Aiviq’ As Vessel Arrives in Tampa Dry Dock

I’m waiting to see what she looks like with a red hull. I saw her partially painted and it’s kind of creepy looking to be honest.

I sure hope they raised or relocated those fuel tank vents that caused a problem off of Kodiak a few years ago. Are they going to change the name?

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a historic name to all us former coasties


That was fixed years ago


I would have hoped so, but hadn’t researched it. Thanks for the info. As an Alaska guy, the Storis remains legendary. I hope the Aiviq can live up to the name.


Her history for those of us not an ex-coastie:

PS> Nice name of Norse origin: “Storis” is a Scandinavian word meaning “great ice.” From the old Norse “størr iss” meaning; “a floating mass of closely crowded icebergs and floes”. (Webster)

Mista Garys donations have paid off 10 fold!

Certainly, Don Young wasn’t the only Congressman that Chouest owned.

What’s Bobby Jindahl doing these days? I assume something for Chouest.

Money buys nearly anything.

Compared to most military procurement programs, buying the Aiviiq was probably a pretty good deal for us taxpayers.

Given that Aiviq cost $200 million to build in 2012, paying $125 million in 2024 sounds like a bargain.


That does sound like a sweetheart deal. $200 mil to buid in 2012, only 2 short term contracts since then which probably leaves her in good shape, cost of raw martial increase in the last 12 yrs plus the buyer being desperate for the product? Maybe getting the Aiviq on the cheap was a part of a backroon deal that got VT Halter the uscg new build icebreaker project? Also wondering which shipyard will be doing the 1.5yr modification work? Maybe the ECO family of companies will make up the discounted sale price through the following shipyard period?

The answer would be obvious if the ship doesn’t leave Tampa Ship.

Shell paid for the ship. Chouest got it essentially for nothing. Now they are getting $125 million for her. Plus, they’ll make $$$$$ tens of millions more doing mostly unnecessary modifications on her for the USCG over the next 1.5 years.

I’m writing to Elon to suggest that the USCG be required to use her “as is” for three years, before proposing a more modest list of modifications.

I’m sure you’ll get far with a letter to that guy.


Elon is busy at his secret shipyard lair building a small fleet of electric heavy ice breakers knowing they’ll be needed to rescue the Polar Star and the Aiviq2 in the next few years. And they’ll all have fabulous internet.


It’s possible that the loss of the HMNZS Manawanui was in some ways related to fundamental differences between the way a ship is designed for civilian use and the system the military uses to recruit, train and so forth.

Mentioned by Binbag in this post

Might be cheaper to modify the ship than change the processes used by the CG to prepare it’s members to operate their ships.

Looks like they already got rid of some of the smaller cranes.

I presume one of the long-term modifications will be moving the helideck aft and adding a hangar.

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The flight deck on the foc’sle makes for a weird look. And the stern looks like they forgot to finish her, like something go left off. An interesting read about the Aiviq/Storis is on wiki. Aiviq - Wikipedia