It is a known fact that the earth’s poles have move before. Now it is happening again:
BTW; The fact that there are coal on Svalbard is a sign that the Arctic ones had a tropical climate and fiossile finds there proves it
It is a known fact that the earth’s poles have move before. Now it is happening again:
BTW; The fact that there are coal on Svalbard is a sign that the Arctic ones had a tropical climate and fiossile finds there proves it
Before anyone thinks otherwise, it’s probably worth mentioning that Svalbard was nowhere near the Arctic during the Devonian Period.
One of the silliest articles I’ve ever read. Apparently, ice melting causes the earth to wobble. Perhaps so. But there’s no link to the human activity that’s supposedly caused, “the loss of hundreds of billions of tonnes of ice a year into the oceans — resulting from global warming.”
Oh, and by the way, ice melts every year … and then freezes … every year … and has done for quite a while now.
There’s apparently no limit to what we earthlings can achieve if we put our mind to it … “melting hundreds of billions of tonnes of ice” probably takes a bit more energy than we have at our command.
I know you don’t have glaciers in Oz, but they do not “melt every year”, least not entirely. The nearest to you (in Papua and NZ) may melt away entirely in this decade through, since they don’t “re-freeze every year”,
The sun has the energy to do so. It just need a little help from humans to “prepare the ground” for it to get started.
More soot on the glaciers, more open water in the Arctic during summers and melting permafrost increase the rate at which it is happening.
Nobody said it was easy to understand the forces at work, but at least somebody is trying:
Well, Guardian and WP are hardly specialists in Geology and Physics. WP is behind a paywall, too.
I find more interest in the “cross border dispute” (Arctic News) between the Swedish and the Norwegian herders. I think what they really need is Holistic Land Management to help grow that top soil and grass, so they can feed a much larger number of reindeer than they have now - both countries.
No use blaming climate change (something which offers no solutions). The best thing to do is get straight into growing that soil that feeds the herds.
Cross border disputes because of cattle can certainly be mitigated and the countries involved will end up richer than if they remain steadfast pointing fingers at one another, going to court and expecting a beneficial result from lawyers involvement.
Pay attention to what I said. I never said ALL the ice melts every year. That’s what alarmists have been predicting forever - an ice free Arctic.
Please let me know when that happens, not your guess that it is going to happen.
Once again, where’s the link to the humans? How are the humans shifting the poles?
The main feed for reindeers are Reindeer Moss (Lichen):
Reindeers dig through the snow to find their favourit food, but in some cases the
Laplanders have to feed their herds with hay that they buy from lowland farmers.
This happens mostly in spring, before the annual migration to the coast for the summer feed grounds (in Finnmark, Norway)
Buying hay for a species that can forage from what is naturally available is a huge unnecessary expense. Reindeer have hooves they can use to dig through snow to find food, so let them express their nature. It’s a truly sad demonstration of how broken the patterns of migration of these animals really are and a reason why those two countries can’t fix things on their side alone with any long lasting positive outcomes.
To speed up the recovery of the reindeer pasture lands, they need to manage their pastures holistically. One good step to take is allowing herds to move across borders unhindered. Another is to stop using fungicides in agricultural lands, because those fungicides affect the lichen that sustains the herds of reindeer.
Well, according to some quantum physics stuff, the mere act of measuring alters the results.
In spring the weather is very variable in Finnmark, with warm spell followed by frost not unusual. The feeding with hay happens when ice crush forms over the reindeer moss due to meltwater, or rain, that freezes in cold spells.
The reindeers cannot dig thru the ice to get to the moss, thus they are starving.
BTW: Hay is not good for their digestive system, but it keeps them alive until they reach the coast. (or the slaughter house, whichever is their destiny.
What are the routes the reindeer want to follow? Because they know where the food is, they just need to be allowed to find it. If the herds are forced to remain in Finnmark, the herders are forced to buy hay every year.
The dispute is about grazing rights in an area further south. (Bardu, Troms)
Reindeers are following their own instincts and habits, even if they are “tamed” and owned by Sami herders.
The annual migration from the high plateau to the coast in Finnmark is part of their instinct, although the herders has some influence on the route.
The Norwegian Navy also help in transporting the herd across to the islands to save them from swimming as they used to do:
PS> During the Cold War there were some problem on the Russian border, when reindeers from Norway strayed into Russian side of the border (or v.v.)
Not so much with the reindeers, but with the herders that followed their herd.
Doing things like feeding hay and “saving them from being themselves” is already altering their DNA. Like many breeds of cattle today are meant to be grain-fed rather than pasture-fed, it tears at their innate resilience and quality.
Thank you for pointing out that the political context here is the problem, and so all of these countries need to reach an agreement. All can have more reindeer of higher quality and less fluctuations as the climate circumstances change.
The reindeer don’t overgraze - it’s the humans who mismanage the resources.
I seem to recall reading this before, some years ago, relative to the speed of rotation of the earth. The theory was advanced that when, during the the deep ice ages, a significant part of the earth’s mass (ice) was concentrated at the poles (but obviously extended quite a ways south too), the effect was akin to a rotating skater who speeds up when his/her arms are pulled in. And slows down when their arms are extended. This was postulated to be contributing, at least in part, to the gradual slowing of the Earth’s rotation in present times as the water mass is distributed more toward the equator.
I don’t recall a mention of changing the AXIS of rotation, but I suppose if things in the liquid center shift around as a result, that is conceivable. But, you know, the grizzly ol’ Earth has survived a LOT of things in its time and come thru. And someday, circumstances will conspire to finish her off. But, IMHO, NOT something to spend a lot of time worrying about!! Sure it’s getting warmer and it has been for around 10,000 years!
Seems like these days we’ve at least got a partial handle on most of the things we CAN do something about, so mankind needs to scare up things to worry about that we CAN’T do anything about!! Definitely in the category of “1st World Problems” as far as I’m concerned!!
Did the reindeer kill of the mammoths or was that global warming or global freezer so they couldnt get food from the ground, perhaps the hooved reindeer could of saved them by breaking through the ice?
PS if we move the poles back to align with with the magnetic poles, navigation will be easier for those without a gyro