Well it’s June and the rumors about a raise to catch up with Hornbeck and others still isn’t here.
Any rumors about internet or you guys still in the 20th century ?
Most govt boats have it, and boats with client on board (construction, stim boats etc) that’s about it.
Probably just some bored 3AE starting rumors.
Damn. No speed or data restrictions on ours, or any of the other govt boats I’ve been on. You guys are getting hosed.
Mr Gary says be lucky you got a job couyon and you don’t need no internet on watch, you supposed to be workin.
That is some serious bullshit not having wifi on every boat. Especially now with Starlink being available.
Every company has their ‘thing’ they are resistent towards. Seems like internet is ECOs.
Nothing will change till it has to. I see raises coming long before fleet wide internet.
I’ve heard second hand that there are times on the gov’t boats that the internet gets turned off cause ya’ll have to go dark, right?
If so, that would depend on the specific boat and contract probably.
Internet is off most of the time on gov boats. Which sucks because they want to treat us like we’re on a ts boat when it’s just a secret.
Who told you chouest was getting pay raises
rumor mill of course, always coming from someone who allegedly hears a coordinator mention it.
Just reviving to say this didn’t happen.
Thought ABs only got it?
Qmeds too
Effective Jan 15th, employees will no longer receive direct deposits in the form of money. the new pay system will pay employees in company store coupons for merchandise!
Mistah Gary bringing back da company sto’
Does anybody know what the Starlink packages cost the vessel owners? We have it provided free to the crews but it is 1,000 gb/day, it doesn’t carry over so use it or lose it. We also use it for the ships comms. What are the packages per vessel if anyone has the data?