Chief Mate-AGT-O/NC

I have recently been approved to test for my Chief Mate Unlimited Oceans, I plan to take my exams at the New Orleans REC. I was curious if any of you may have tested recently there? Also, with 9 exams to take, how many do you have to pass before you are allowed to leave and come back within 90 days? I hope this isn’t too confusing the way I worded this. I cal elaborate more if needed. Any info will be much appreciated.

See 46 CFR 11.217(a).

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Thank you for that. So if I’m reading that correctly, since I have 9 exams, it looks like the magic number is 7.

You can only fail 2, but you have to take all 9 in the same week.

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You could do that I guess, but those two you don’t take would be counted as failures on the first attempt and leave you with only two attempts at them when you return. (As @New3M stated, you have to attempt all modules during your testing period… so to do what you’re asking, you’d have to intentionally fail two modules. Never heard of anyone doing that, and @jdcavo might have a CFR that makes that extra unwise, but :man_shrugging:t3:)

Also, that would mean you’d have to get 7 for 7 on the modules you truly make the attempt at.

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Thank you everyone for the clarification. I certainly plan to pass all 9, but we know how that goes. I’m hoping for the best. Thank you again!

I have tested recently at recnola so feel free to send me a message if you have questions. They have all the reference material but they have a new Bowdith, no more 1981 so maybe take time to familiarize yourself with whats there if you havent already. 7 for 9 is a good way to take the pressure off yourself but might as well go 9 for 9, its not hard as long as you have time to study.

As for if you dont pass them all, if you go 7 or 8 for 9, then you get two chances for retakes. The retakes do not have to be at the same REC but they do have to be within 90 days of the first attempt. Good luck!

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Thank you for this info! Do you happen to know the year for the bowditch 2? Was it 2019 or 2024?


Thank you!

Funny because Miami REC has 1981 and 2019. It also has a copy of bowditch 1 which is :ok_hand:t5: :ok_hand:t5:.