Captain Anonymous's land job

I was wondering what he was working on while on land!:stuck_out_tongue:;_ylt=Al6xMQGSNd7t2xSqAhQXCCus0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNrZzBtYWtjBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMTEwL3VzX3RlY19zZXhfcm9ib3QEY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwM5BHBvcwM2BHB0A2hvbWVfY29rZQRzZWMDeW5faGVhZGxpbmVfbGlzdARzbGsDc2V4cm9ib3Rmb2N1

I’m not even going to ask what you were searching for online when you found that…


sure beats the inflatable in my seabag…should be standard equipment on all vessels!!

All I need is my fleshlight. The last thing I want when I’m horny is conversation.

All talk and no action…C_A, you’re such a tease…:wink:

Anthony should have called this thread: “Capt_Anonymous’s hand job”.

From the article:

“At a demonstration at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas on Saturday, the dark-haired, negligee-clad robot said “I love holding hands with you” when it sensed that its creator touched its hand.
Another action, this one unprintable, elicited a different vocal response from Roxxxy the robot. The level of sophistication demonstrated was not beyond that of a child’s talking toy…”

Wouldn’t a talking Barbie cheaper? :smiley:

Furbee with benefits.

Wow, he is better looking than I had imagined!

[QUOTE=domer;24607]Wow, he is better looking than I had imagined![/QUOTE]

Who, C_A? hee hee…He is kinda like, our little precious GEM…:smiley:

[QUOTE=mslilith2000;24504]“At a demonstration at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas on Saturday, the dark-haired, negligee-clad robot said “[B]I love holding hands with you[/B]” when it sensed that its creator touched its hand.
Another action, this one unprintable, elicited a different vocal response from Roxxxy the robot. The level of sophistication demonstrated was not beyond that of a child’s talking toy…”

Wouldn’t a talking Barbie cheaper? :D[/QUOTE]

Huh? Was this thing designed by a team of women? Why doesn’t it say something like ‘Want me to make you a sammich?’

On another note, I heard a great podcast (which could be a great thread, Favorite Podcasts.) about the history of Barbie. It was a doll made for German men in the 50’s, and she was based on an adult comic. She was supposed to say sassy little things dress sexy. The guys who bought her would dress her up, have her on the dash of their car’s, have her at work. An American woman saw it and thought it was great. She saw it as a way for girls to pretend at being adults; up until then, all dolls were babies. They went on and on about Barbie, it was really interesting.