Cable Laying ship/companies

Anyone know anything about cable laying ships? Such as TYCO ? or any other company? time on/off, pay, life aboard, stability ? any info would be great !!!

Bueller, anyone?

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During the last Two America’s Cup series in NZ a cable ship was on station to handle any issues with the transpacific cable. Presumably to make sure the tycoons in their super yachts could continue to have uninterrupted access to their portfolios.
I was invited for drinks on a British flag vessel and it was like stepping back in time. A steward was behind the bar slicing lemons for the gin and tonics.

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You mean TE Subcom, they are an AMO contract where you have to have a Marshall Islands certificate. Not sure how that happens, with AMO contracted personnel sailing foreign, obviously they found a 2nd rate Flag, so I am sure the money is low.

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There was a series of 6 Cable Ships designed by Ulstein and built at Hitachi Zosen in Singapore around 2000.
Originally for Tyco but now operated by TE Subcom. Here is specs:…/Dependable-VesselSpecs-TE_SubCom.pdf

That’s a shame. Heard years back that used to be a sweet AMO gig (or sweet by their standards…)

With vacation pay the 3rd Mate wage is just over 15k a month. If you have a DP cert they pay $21.23 a day extra. I’m sure there are better paying deep sea jobs out there but they are at least in the ball park of what I’ve made on MM&P and MEBA contracts up on the Great Lakes. I’m glad it’s not one of those 5k a month AMO contracts. My friend did it for while. Cool port calls when they were working and a great deck crew of Filipino ABs. They were working 75 on 75 off.

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How did that work being a US Union, but foreign flagged vessel?

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I think this dumpster fire Jones Act Specialty Vessel Bla Bla Bla has been touched on in the past in a couple other gCaptain ratholes.

OCS GoM is a hotbed for this stuff. Wondering if this will become a problem on the East Coast too. Big John and Brave tern did a good job with the liftboat shuttles for the RI windfarms.

What I really want to know is when Aeolus will be building all these Cadillac Wind Vessels? Will AMO try and get a hand in it?

I’ve never had a port call 20 minutes from home.

Man hopefully they end up building them. And they don’t just go to the west coast.