I heard a Bouchard Barge had a fire off Corpus Christi. Has anyone heard any details? Hope everyone is okay.
Heard through the grapevine it was tug Buster Bouchard and Barge B225. Waiting for confirmation. We have posted some photos here http://gcaptain.com/two-missing-after-explosion-on-crude-oil-barge-off-port-aransas-texas/
Hope those guys are alright , wonder were the Tug was, maybe they were towing when this occurred
FIre seems to be on the bow , and galley and bunk rooms on the stern
The Buster Bouchard is an ATB. 3 miles outside Aransas pass should put the boat near the anchorage.
Maybe a fire up on the hyrolics for the winch, idk but still why did the Tug leave the barge , grub run , water , who knows , hope the find the guys and I’m sure morty will fire the hole crew tomorrow
I’m assuming they got out of the notch to either fire the fire or not be connected to a loaded barge that was burning.
Yeah just not sure why are they missing two I am assuming the tankermen , jump on the fuckin boat when they are disconnecting fuck the barge , save your life
Im gonna guess it has something to do with the hyrdaulics. I worked at Bouchard as an ab for a few years, and theres nothing else I could think of that would explode or start a fire that far up forward. There also is a P/V vent aft of the winch as well. That barge was a piece of shit though, not surprising.
I’m going to assume the guys missing were weighing anchor when it happened. You don’t need anyone on the barge to get out the notch on an ATB.
I saw a short article that one was found dead and one still missing. any updates?
NRC’s barge in aransas pass got activated to lighter and their osrv out of galveston is heading that way, I heard.
My prayers go out to the families of the lost crew members.
Hits close to home for me since I spent a month on that tug.
I am a former Bouchard employee. I worked on the 225 with a long time Bouchard guy. Can someone in the know PM me with the names when they are released?
Guess someone didn’t like me mentioning names that have been publicly released. Sorry about that. Please pm me for info on b225.