Rumors of missed payroll yesterday and all of the boats tied up, office lost their Certificate of Compliance…anybody know any specifics?
I feel for the mariners but it couldn’t happen to a better person than Morty.
I second this
I think this has a lot to do with it.
The pdf is on the right and does not paint a very good picture of Bouchard, the USCG or ABS.
What kind if a low life is this? The clear sadistic intention was to pressure everybody present in that room, the so called management by intimidation. Behave or you are next buddy…
Captain friend of mine got laid off a while back but got a job as Mate at Bouchard. Tug & barge were between jobs, on stby at a dock. The A/B quit & walked off the boat between 0001 & 0600 without telling anybody. My friend got in trouble bc the A/B walked of during his watch & he did not know it. Morty & Son were on the phone just tearing into the Mate. Aware of all the Morty horror stories, the Mate quit before Morty could fire him. Then Morty begged him to come back but he refused, believing that Morty wanted him to come back just so they could have tha satisfaction of firing him.
I’m very close to this and just know 11 hrs 13 minutes after the explosion Morton bouchard had a lawyer filing limitations of liberty in a NYC court all while he reassured family of one that they would retrive the missing 2. Instilling faluse hope as he lied through his teeth after the LL was filed he called and spoke about the missing 2 (both where missing at the time) in the past tense. Lucky the lawyer whom filed was a complete moron and filed that paper wrong and it gave both families the fighting chance to get it moved to TX and limited liability tossed out. Because it’s very clear those two men suffered greatly. A witness said he saw a grill like flame surrounding them (this means they knew) the retrieval of poor sweet vanterpool remains was proof of suffering. The lack of fining poor sweet zachariah and the testimony to human anatomy scattered in the water and birds eating the remains is proof of suffering. Image being the family and hearing you dont you get a recovery and after your loved one dies an awful death imagine then 9 months later you’re sitting in a court room and hear the truth and how unforgivably preventable it was had the owner just repaired things and listened to employees. #NOMOREBTC100
Would love to see a decent, larger company such as Crowley or Reinauer come in and absorb what’s left of their newer equipment. Could create some great jobs…from what I recall their newer stuff is in good shape. Just think if they had a decent office and operations department running it. Less people quitting, being fired, or losing their lives for that matter and more long term employment. Just a thought…hope it all works out.
I worked for them for a few years but left shortly after they killed those two men in Texas. Bouchard’s office has actually called me and demanded that I falsify an oil record book… Twice. On another occasion I had to be the guy that relayed the message the entire crew except for myself and the captain were fired. 45 minutes later I had to call them all back when Morty sobered up a little. The place is an absolute nightmare. We had some good crew but we also had tyrants who knew they could get away with everything from coercion to racism and all points in between. I have complained that we were pushing a barge load of petroleum up the coast of Florida close enough to Miami Beach that you could see people on the beach (for cell phone reception) and no one in the wheelhouse. Everybody was downstairs watching the football game. When I complained I was told I would have to watch out for my job if I did that again. So I hope they’re closing down.
Thanx… Sounds unbelievable … but I have met enough of those types to believe it. Scares me that those folks are out on the water mixing with the rest of us.
Every time I hear someone talk crap about unions I use Bouchard as an example. Bouchard has paid politicians and coerced the USCG and ABS for years. They have more influence than any union because they know who to pay. People get killed, waters polluted no one goes to jail and the owners stay rich. They are a mini BP
For decades the mariners of New York Harbor had 2 equally terrible choices, Local 333 or companies like Bouchard. Most of the scumbags union reps on Bay Street would have gladly taken Morty’s payoffs to screw the guys on the boats if they could have gotten their union foot back in the door there. It wouldn’t have been any difference with that crooked, spineless union in the middle.
Very true.The Bay Street lot should have been flushed a long time ago. NYC and the boroughs have always been just a very expensive banana republic.
I can confirm that there are boats and barges laid up at Caddell’s.
I cannot confirm that Crowley has agreed to take over management of the fleet. I do hope it’s true. Retiring Morty could be the best thing to happen to Bouchard. Asassination would only lead to his kids selling the company in a weeks time.
I pray to baby Jesus that Crowley does not get involved with Bouchard. I haven’t heard anything remotely close to this rumor and I hope it stays that way.
All the fat union hogs will be itching to get at everything up for grabs
I’ve worked non-union my entire 20 year career so far and have always been happy with my employment aside from one company and I left there pretty quick. I’ve never worked for Bouchard but I know many people who have and they all say it was horrible. The problem with Bouchard isn’t that they are Non-union it’s that Morty and his family are spoiled tyrants. If it was a public company he’d have been ousted years ago.
As a serious question, if Bouchard is such a rough place to work, why is it that the employees have not organized with a reputable union, surely 333 is not the only option?
Reputable union? Now that’s an oxymoron!
Why haven’t American officers organized into ONE (yes only ONE) effective union similar to “The Guild” in Canada?