
I am thinking of going to work with bouchard in the gulf, just wandering if anyone has anything to say about the idea I have ? and whats the pay , schedule … okay thanks

Be careful. Have heard many horror stories of entire crews being fired when one person screws up. Their pay is one of the top in the industry, but benefits are a little lacking. They also have some new equipment which many other companies are lacking. But I wouldn’t want to lose my job just cause of some other shmuck onboard.

I work with a couple ex bouchard captains, they were both fired for voicing their opinions regarding safety issues. The loved the pay, but hated the pencil whipping of some things.

Just supposing a person went to work for them as a mate and managed to not get fired, do mates get any barge loading/discharging time or credit towards PIC or is it strickly tankermen only work the barge?

If you can get time towards a PIC endorsement then I think going to work for them is a good idea because even if you do get fired you’ll gain something of value for your time spent with them.


considered going to work for these people myself…the way I understand it you can assist in the load/discharge under the tankerman and get PIC credit…as far as their reputation, heard both good and bad like with most other companies…they had a barge blow up in NY some years back and think that got them headed in the right direction with safety, the owner had a reputation for coming down to the vessel and firing crew if he didn’t like what he saw…go figure…the equipment is in fair condition w/ mostly bludworth couplers…they have GoM runs…work 1 for 1…its redflag ATB work, so piles-a-plently of paperwork…I think they run 3 in w/h…as mate you should be able to duck most of management’s BS, that’s why the ole’ man gets paid the big bucks as so some of the mates I’ve had exclaimed.

**if anyone on here knows different or takes exception please speak up!

[U]Well I am sorry to dissapoint you! [/U]
[U]but Bouchard is not hiring anyone atm!,[/U]
[U]in fact, they now are laying people off while they are working on the ATB (barges) for the weekends now![/U]
[U]you may go home to Texas, or wherever you reside if you like, but be back in NY on the boat by midnight sunday!![/U]
[U]All the horror stories that you have heard are true![/U]
[U]case in point, just two months ago!, the ENTIRE barge crew was fired due to a failed vetting inspection for a big money contract “down south”![/U]
[U]Bouchard lost the contract due to barge maintenance issues![/U]
[U]and the entire barge crew was terminated![/U]
[U]and the tug was reamed out, for not notifing the office about the barges condition to the office! (a company letter soon followed!)[/U]
[U]Bouchard also has not been giving any raises at all!, [/U]
[U]they were the top paying company on the coast!in the 80’s and the 90’s![/U]
[U]no company could match what Bouchard paid their employee’s![/U]
[U]now in 2009 everyone on the east coast gets more money then us![/U]
[U]also if you work here for over 5,10,15 or 20 years and expect seniority or any loyalty here, you may need to seek out a psychologist to see what is the matter with you![/U]


That, and worse, is what I’ve been hearing. Lately the company I work with has hired several ex-Morty whipping boys and it sounds bad over there.

One captain went to an all-expense-paid family/golf/captains meeting and was called up to the podium and fired.

Morty sounds like a real mean drunk.

[quote=seadog!;18543]That, and worse, is what I’ve been hearing. Lately the company I work with has hired several ex-Morty whipping boys and it sounds bad over there.

One captain went to an all-expense-paid family/golf/captains meeting and was called up to the podium and fired.

Morty sounds like a real mean drunk.[/quote]

Boy, that isn’t the door prize you want to win. I remember at a Crowley Christmas party some 25 year ago (or so), I was disappointed when I went in to the party with no expectations and left with a round trip cruise for one to Puerto Rico leaving in a few days. On a tug. Towing a trailer barge. Two weeks before I was supposed to go back to work.

What kind if a low life is this? The clear sadistic intention was to pressure everybody present in that room, the so called management by intimidation. Behave or you are next buddy…