Best place to buy seabags?

Hello all,

I am entering the final stages of pre-hire with MSC and I need to know where I should buy a seabag or 2. I know there was a discussion on here somewhere but the forum search was not good to me. Thank you in advance.


Most guys carry regular sea bags (navy surplus ones will do) but I never understood the reason anyone would want to carry a huge heavy bag across the globe when you can get one with wheels on it. Here’s my favorite:

But whatever you do, buy quality. After having a few bags (even expensive one with lifetime warranties like LL Bean) fail in a foreign airport (not fun!!!) I only use stuff that is built like a brick shithouse. All of Patagonia’s stuff qualifies but if you want to spend less money then just be sure to inspect the seems and stitching… The cheap stuff is pretty easy to spot if you take the time too look.

Get regular luggage with wheels and handles, etc. You’re going MSC as I recall, they have huge luggage store rooms aboard! But to answer your question in case you end up on one of MSC’s small boys and you just want to look salty, here’s the link for sea bags and lots of other cool shit.
(I still have my original sea bag and my Bluejackets’ Manual, both 37 years old.)

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I dig the Northface duffle bags made of rubber, so pretty waterproof and they have backpack straps so you can hustle up the gangway to the ship.

Great bags and I found mine at tj max at one fifth the price.

Just get a big duffel bag from Ross. I got one with wheels. Cost about $30. they usually last a few years. Sometimes the grading on certain catwalks will chew up the wheels, Other than that, wheels are a must, then its a duffel for when you need to carry

I appreciate all of the responses. I am glad bags with wheels are acceptable and common. A full seabag on the back was not all that pleasant. I may have to go with a cheaper model until I can afford a high quality one. Thanks again!


I used an older version of this bag for 10yrs of working on cruise ships. It was always stuffed with at least 60-75lbs of clothes and gear. It is made out of 1200 denier polyester which is very strong. After all this time it has one small rip and the front handle needs a few more stitches replaced. Has handles on both ends of the bag which is very handy for lugging it around. Still using it to this day. The only problem is it doesn’t really fold down all that well when empty. Was pretty darn cheap if I remember. Not sure if the new ones are the same quality though.

There is also the option of bags that you can carry on your back and are also wheeled.

Here are two options:

  1. Berghaus Jalan 70+15. Men’s Travel Backpack - Black/thunde, (85 Liter)

  1. Doubletrack 28 inches Convertible Wheeled Luggage ( 82 Liter )

Red Oxx makes kickass bags but none with wheels I am afraid. They are virtually indestructible though. You can at least buy your carry on there and a wheeled bag somewhere else.

Underarmor makes a good bag. Ive had mine for 5 years its great. Real durable.

Another vote for the north face duffels. Mine have been all over the place. Tossed from big planes, small planes, boat to boat and even made some rides on an atv and still going strong.

The North Face bags are great. Just don’t get the really big one if you have to schlep it very far!

Anyone ever try those “guide gear” bags from Cabelas? They look like heavy duty canvas, with wheels?

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If you don’t mind camo, this is the deal of the century:

I have had the REGULAR size of one of these for years but it knocked around the tugboats of NY Harbor for two of those years. Small enough to carry-on, large enough to contain what I needed for the hitch. TOUGH. WATERPROOF.|/pc/104795280/c/104744880/sc/104682780/Cabelas-Boundary-Waters8482-II-Duffel-Bag/735042.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fcamping-luggage-travel-waterproof-bags-containers%2F_%2FN-1100758%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104682780%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%3BMMcat104795280%3Bcat104744880&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104795280%3Bcat104744880%3Bcat104682780

If waterproof ain’t yer concern I have had GOOD luck with the EXTRA LARGE size of these SEA BAGS (scroll down on page), made of sail dacron they’re damn near indestructible, large enough to stash a body AND have a super wide opening allowing quick stowage OR removal of the aforementioned body.

[QUOTE=john;66647]Most guys carry regular sea bags (navy surplus ones will do) but I never understood the reason anyone would want to carry a huge heavy bag across the globe when you can get one with wheels on it. Here’s my favorite:

But whatever you do, buy quality. After having a few bags (even expensive one with lifetime warranties like LL Bean) fail in a foreign airport (not fun!!!) I only use stuff that is built like a brick shithouse. All of Patagonia’s stuff qualifies but if you want to spend less money then just be sure to inspect the seems and stitching… The cheap stuff is pretty easy to spot if you take the time too look.[/QUOTE]


How do you still feel about this bag after some years? My suitcase crapped out and I’m looking for another open discussion on this. Any input is appreciated.


How do you still feel about this bag after some years? My suitcase crapped out and I’m looking for another open discussion on this. Any input is appreciated.[/QUOTE]

I have one very similar to the one John has, but made by Dakine. It’s a roller duffel, divided into compartments. I have dragged it all over US airports and ships on both coasts in almost 3 years and it’s held up real well save for a tiny tear in the fabric which does not affect the durability. I just put some Gorilla tape on the inside of the rip.

They come in different sizes and colors, if you hunt around you’ll find a number of places sell them.

I second the Dakine bag. I’ve had one very similar to it since 2007 and it is still intact.

[QUOTE=catherder;176148]I have one very similar to the one John has, but made by Dakine. It’s a roller duffel, divided into compartments. I have dragged it all over US airports and ships on both coasts in almost 3 years and it’s held up real well save for a tiny tear in the fabric which does not affect the durability. I just put some Gorilla tape on the inside of the rip.

They come in different sizes and colors, if you hunt around you’ll find a number of places sell them.[/QUOTE]

I’ve always used hockey bags, they are huge and built to take abuse, they also come with wheels. The only drawback is compartments are minimal. They may also run a bit cheaper than a comparably sized rolling “duffle.”