Hey folks, when you submit your CG credential application or renewal, be sure you get an email notice that they recieved it. They absolutely WILL NOT respond to phone calls, and the chat customer service is worthless.
I submitted my package in the second week of June. Both by fax and by email. I called and they had no idea if it was submitted or not. I sent it again, this time to multiple email addresses, including the one the useless outsourced chat agent told me. I was told to wait 2 weeks.
I waited.
I chatted again, was told, no we can’t tell if it was submitted, wait another week. DO NOT SEND AGAIN I was told. We will know for sure next week. Meanwhile, my ticket expired. I lost work.
I waited.
The next week i chatted again, was told they think it was submitted, but they need a supervisor to look into it. Need to wait another week.
I waited.
The next week I chatted again. Bad news, they said, we didn’t receive it and you need to resubmit and wait a day for the email showing it was received.
I resubmited, 6 weeks after I first sent in my package and waited.
No email.
I chatted and they told me to check my spam. I checked. No email.
I sent again. Next day, no notice. But it gave me an idea. Maybe MY email was going to spam!
So I set up a gmail account and sent from there, and the next day received an email that my renewal application was received and would be processed in the order received. This was 6 weeks after my initial submittal. Two week later my security passed, and was moved over to medical. Another two weeks my medical passed, and my application was moved on to checking my experience. 3 weeks later, that passed, 13 weeks after I first submitted my completed renewal.
Why can’t they do the three elements concurrently? Why can’t they check their own spam? Why can’t they even tell if a submittal was received or not?
It’s an inexcusable clown show.
I’m glad to hear that gmail worked, as that is what my wife & I use. Would you mind sharing the domain that they weren’t able to receive from?
It was a domain I own personally. It isn’t used for spam, only myself and my family are able to email from it. All of the proper backend protocols are set up (I do this for a living). There is no reason it should be blocked.
Sri for the delay - yes, I agree, that shouldn’t have been a problem unless your web host is some sort of outlaw
Because of the NMC horror stories over the past few years, I recently submitted for renewal well in advance of expiration. I submitted my Med Cert 10 months in advance, and that turned around in two weeks. I submitted my MMC renewal (straight renewal 7 months in advance of expiration) on 01/16 via email (Gmail) with attached PDF’s. I immediately got an automated email confirmation. On 01/23 rcvd a call (???) from NMC and spoke to human who told me to ignore any emails saying there was an issue with my application. Later that day I received an email saying that my application had been forwarded to REC Seattle (?) for review, and would be forwarded to NMC if all was in order.
So, we’ll see. At least I know they have it and a simple 200 GRT NC should be pretty fast.