brother I’m from India & i applied for SUNY maritime college & I’ve issue with wes evaluation because they are not accepting my transcript which my college has provided to wes moreover I’m running out of time, i planned to join the 2024 September intake. i have emailed suny admission but they said they must need a evaluation so i just wanted to know what is the solution or is maine maritime academy or cal maritime academy accepts students without wes evaluation. I’m totally worried & have no clue what to do , SUNY maritime was my dream college & it’s hard for foreign students to repeat the evaluation process. Anyone please help out to explain the exact process like the intake etc or you can DM me on instagram , rafih_rahman
If they won’t accept academic courses for a bachelor degree, that’s between you and SUNY. No one here can help. There could be an issue with the accreditation status of your foreign college and whether SUNY recognizes it for their degree.
If academic accreditation status is not an issue and it’s maritime training towards the merchant mariner credentials as 3rd Mate (or 3rd AE) and OICNW (or OICEW), you can’t substitute outside training. The SUNY Maritime program is approved as a comprehensive program, you cannot substitte training, service or assessment from outside the program. You have to take the enitre program for the US Coast Guard to credit the program.
If you are not a US citizen, and are using the program to qualify for certificates issued by another country, that’s between you and that country. If they allow it, it could be accepted. I think you are going to need that authorization in order to get SUNY Maritime to reconsider their decision. That doesn’t mean they will change their decision, but they are unlikely to even consider it without some evidence that your plan will be acceptable to another administration.