Another Anti-shot Covid Rant

It’s not my job to verify your claims for you.

“While the origins of the case are still being investigated, the 20-year-old man had traveled to Poland and Hungary this year”

So that’s your proof? And couldn’t possibly be that the Washington Post got it wrong and the CDC did a little more investigating?

Yes, because initial reporting never gets anything wrong. :roll_eyes:


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You asked for a source and I gave you one.

Just sit down and be wrong.

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Your statement should end with “100% of the time.”

None of those vaccines work 100% either, the difference is that in most places in the US vacation rates are high enough that the diseases can’t circulate so you don’t normally see breakthrough infections. (Except tetanus which isn’t a contagious disease.) There are issues every season with pertussis breakthrough infections though, which is why boosters are so important.

Except it looks like your source was wrong. Do you have anything better than “initial reporting”?



‘W-well it’s, uh…it’s wrong!’

Can’t say I’m surprised.

Since it disagrees with other more researched sources the logical conclusion to draw is that the initial reporting was wrong.

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That’s only because you made a baseless assumption without research.

‘Didn’t travel during the suspected transmission period’ doesn’t mean didn’t travel abroad recently. If you researched things instead of just squawking about them you would have known this months ago.

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I didn’t make any assumption, I asked you to back up yours. You keep claiming he contracted polio overseas and the epidemiologists clearly disagree with you. Why do you think you know better?

I’m not and have never claimed he contracted polio overseas. I specifically stated that vaccine derived polio has been found in waste streams for decades, and where it comes from.

There are many other paralytic diseases someone can acquire by traveling or even in the US. The last supposed case of community spread vaccine derived polio was questionable as well.

The point is they’re attempting to cover up poor immigration and global health policies with fear mongering over ‘Antivaxxers’, as opposed to investing in the necessary infrastructure to actually eliminate polio or properly screen for vaccine derived variants.

This is a waste of resources. Vaccinations are a part of sound public health policy, not a magic bullet with no costs or consequences.

You recently said you employed unvaccinated mariners. Did you fire them as a result of your poll?

‘Anti Vaxxer’ is a bullshit term used to dehumanize people criticizing failed public health policies. I convinced several elderly relatives to take the COVID vaccine, must be part of the Russian plot or something. Or Chinese? I can’t keep track.



Either you’re claiming he contracted vaccine derived polio overseas or you’re defining he has vaccine derived polio because think you know better than the scientists that genetically typed the virus he has.

Go ahead and look up how vaccine derived polio presents in the overwhelming majority of cases and how often it has been found in stool samples and waste streams over the last few decades. I’ll wait.

This would be a much more productive conversation if you actually read some things instead of frantically googling and rushing back with anything that you think will score a point.

With the permitted immigration of unscreened recipients of OPV vaccines it was only a matter of time before someone came down with a paralytic diseases with OPV derived polio in their stool samples.

You make the incorrect assumption our COVID vaccination policy requires everyone to be vaccinated. We are at about 96% vaccinated, and recognize there are always going to be people that can’t get vaccinated. We’re not absolutist about it.

There, I answered your question. You keep dodging mine. Do you allow your employees a blind vote on the matter, or do you just decide what is right for them?

It’s no more or less bullshit than accusing someone of lying, as you did above, and then when being offered proof they had told the truth, doubling down on calling them a liar.

I’ve made it very clear why that claim is a bald faced lie. If you disagree, go research global polio eradication policy and get back to me.

If you’re not absolutist about it, just what is the point of your ‘mandate’? Shouldn’t that read ‘Policy to force medical decisions on the mariners we can afford to lose’?

I’m already very familiar with all that. Why don’t you make a point instead of just making vague statements?

So you disagree that being vaccinated prevents contraction of vaccine derived polio? Do you have evidence of that?

At this point, the point of the mandate is to follow the will of the overwhelming majority of officers, who have studied the data and decided a mostly-vaccinated crew is a more desirable option than a mostly unvaccinated crew.

They understand 100% vaccination is unnecessary from a scientific point of view, and impractical. So being a smart bunch of guys they’re not absolutist about it.

The policy is made known to applicants. They can choose to work somewhere else. Some do. And Some choose to hire on, in part, because of the mandate.

And again you dodge my question:
Do you allow your employees a blind vote on the matter, or do you just decide what is right for them?