About Stability, BM-SF Calculations and Softwares

Dear Sailor Friends,

I have been trying to either purchase a very reasonable stability software or build one for myself in excel format.

I have contacted many software producers so far. Either they say their softwares are good for only a specific ship or the price range of them are not even imaginable. :frowning: I found some softwares those are super reasonably priced but they donā€™t calculate BM-SF and GZ/KN.

I had purchased such a software two years ago in Asia and it is a fantastic, very reasonable priced one, can be adjusted for any (type of) ship after entering all the relevant data from the stability books. One problem is it is not that much user friendly.

Nowadays I am trying to create an excel program which will calculate Bending Moment, Shearing Force, GZ/KN and also draw the graphs, calculate trim, GM, Draft Survey, automatically calculate the ballast and fresh water after as m3 and M/T only entering the sounding. I am 98% done. I only got stuck at the final stage of BM-SF calculation where it says (On the table) Base S Value, then SS Value, after that the calculation of the BM-SF :frowning: I have used such excel programs and they are really very handy and super accurate despite they are hand made! And again, after you go to another ship, all you have to do is enter the data of your new ship from the book, and Bob is your uncle.

I have been reading lots of excel books and Stability books to be able to solve the problem but I am still struggling. It has been 7 years since I worked on cargo ships last time, and I am planning to go back to cargo ships in the oceans where I belong to, and I would like to have my own software / program despite most of the ships have loading and stability softwares. Thus, I can check my softwareā€™s/programā€™s accuracy and vs.

Does any one of you have such an excel program? Or any idea how I can finish the task> I can send you the project I have been working on, and it will be great if you send me or help me to get either an excel (handmade) program or even a free stability software.

Thank you for your helps in advance, very best regards . . .

N.Van., B.C., Canada

Just wondering how you made out with your program. I too am working on excel program for the ship I work on. Iā€™m copying it from another excel program but only thing it only is made up for cargo calculations, I would like to also have it do GZ, GM, etcā€¦ but just just started working on it, and without the current stability book I cannot complete it till I go back on the vessel. It is simple and easy to transfer to other vessels once you change some information on the ship your working on. Wondering if your willing to share your Excel program as thereā€™s nothing online. Not willing to pay for something at this time becasue Iā€™m never on one ship so I would like something I can take with me plus as you metioned above they make them for a specific ship. As Iā€™m usually on older ships there is no stability program for it already, and company will not purchas anything as we donā€™t really calculate the stability on it as its a supply boat, but just went through a ISM audit and it was ā€œRecomededā€ that one should be done on a regular bases like weekly, even know its not required to have it done. Just trying to make it easyer, but could do it the old fashioned way on paper if thatā€™s all I got. Any help would be great.

Hello Speed,

I replied you via e-mail earlier. I hope that helps even though the files are not 100% complete.

I am still seeking some help to complete my stability program in excel format. Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks, very best regards . . .

N.Van., B.C., Canada