A question for the women in th emarine industry

Do you object to ships being called “she”

I ask out of genuine curiosity. And because a museum in Scotland recently changed all their signs ro gender neutral “it” after they were repeatedly vandalised…


Are we at risk of loosing our language to a self opinionated pressure group, or is this a positive move foward to recognise women in this important industry?

It’s neither.
It’s a bunch of snowflakes (I expected better from the Scots) pandering to the lunatic fringe as usual.
Why the idiots in charge don’t grow a pair and tell these cry babies to piss off somewhere else is beyond me.
Or is that a bit sexist?

As traditions go, referring to a ship or your ship as a lady should not offend unless you are actively looking to be offended. I can think of some salty terms for the capstan that fit the bill though.

Now when I mutter under my breath in a heavy sea for my ‘filthy whore’ to stop her synchronous rolling motion, you may then rightfully have your own opinion. That usually happens around 0300 in the sleepless privacy of my cabin though.


Are Ships She, He, or It, and Does it Matter? - Old Salt Blog

In French, most words for ships or boats are masculine, including navire, bateau, and, vaisseau. The exception is the word for launch, chaloupe, which is feminine.

In Spanish, words for ships are both masculine and feminine so ships can be either “he” or “she” depending on the word you use. Barco and buque are both “he,” whereas nave and embarcación are “she.”

And so on. By now I am sure that you get the idea. Ships can be any gender or none at all depending on which language one is using.

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In swedish a ship is referred to in feminine form as well.

Kenebek, Hornblower, Yankee…

Have you “transsed” … or were you masquerading as men all the whlle? I really want to hear from the women in the industry!

Ah yes, I see the resemblance to the female eye.

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It was shown in the Merchant Seaman’s handbook as a “cut splice” over 60 years ago. No need to offend people and confirm their worst impressions of merchant mariners by using the more vulgar term that is often used at sea. When was the last time anyone made one of these splices? I have only made them decades ago as an Able Seaman just to be doing so.

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That’s a stretch. This is a merchant mariner’s forum. I doubt the Ladies’ Temperance League and Language Police is reading it but I get your point. People are offended at the silliest things.
The origin of the name is much older than 60 years and I’ve never heard it used at sea. The term was used on square riggers in the age of sail. In any case, I deleted it so as to not ruffle feathers.

I don’t have a problem with it