Women on Shipping

Who say Shipping is a man’s world??
Just look at these women in powerful positions within shipping assemble at Nor-Shipping last week: http://splash247.com/ten-women-watch-shipping/

Women in shipping is one thing which I respectfully draw my hat for - women in shipping business and shipping related
industries is just another side of the game.

There are also women in the Oil & Gas Industry. Here is a feisty one who develop technology for NOV: https://www.tu.no/artikler/hege-kverneland-har-skapt-det-hun-kaller-en-lekegrind-for-ingeniorer/396455

More on the subject, but now Women in Shipping.
This article on Ship Technology.com may be a good start for a more in depth discussion on a subject that is becoming more relevant by the year: http://www.ship-technology.com/features/featurewomen-in-shipping-pushing-for-gender-diversity-5907538

I believe US is ahead on the matter, at least in relative number of females in other professions than catering on ships, boats and rigs??

From 4th. Officer straight on. The Germans have capacities as well.

WISTA is being awarded for enhancing the role of women in Shipping:

Not in Shipping but sailing around the world without the benefit of manfolk to help with the heavy lifting and technical things.

Forget about the demure Indian women:

Someone must have set the destination Port for them because if you asked any of them, Where do you want to go, they would have said, I don’t care where do you want to go. :grin:


Crew of six on a 56’ yacht.
That’s either three on watch, watch on watch off or two on watch four hours on and eight hours sleep. Day after day after day… And it’s just a tad more hard work than standing watch in the nice comfy warmth of the bridge of a ship.
I wouldn’t argue with them or fancy my chances if I was to try insulting them.

Woman power in UK Shipping:

Here in the US we’ve got some great groups forming!

Women Offshore


US in the forefront when it comes to women at sea:

Colleges and companies shouldn’t use diversity quotas to fill positions with women who otherwise wouldn’t go to sea.

Further, antiquated, millennial me doesn’t like sailing with women especially in the #metoo era.


Didn’t you learn anything at WSF?

STFU. I say that in an effort to help you.


I can see why you were fired.

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Not an argument.

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Yeah, I know. That makes it even worse.

Not an argument. Address the argument.

Your statement really doesn’t deserve a response because it already shows your poor character and intolerance, but I’m going to say something anyway. I have never seen any difference in capability knowledge, skill level, or quality of mariner - whether man or woman, black or white. To think that women wouldn’t go to sea unless they were filling a quota is pretty small minded.

Your attitude is going to be the biggest obstacle in you keeping a job in this industry. I hope I never have the displeasure of sailing with you.


I have likewise never seen a difference in technical ability or required shipboard capability including work requiring body strength, within reason of course, between males and females and as an add on when I was in the USCG, the junior female officers I supervised frequently ran circles around their male counterparts. My first suoervisor on a deepdraft ship after leaving the oilfield was a female second mate who was extraordinary and came up the hawsepipe vis the towing industry before crossing over to deep sea. HOWEVER, your “teaching moment” ala’ Obamesque smacks of the now fashionable liberal intolerance and arrogance which mandates that one self appoints oneself to denigrate and silence anyone deemed to not subscribe to their progressive position and proceeding in censuring any deviating opinion, banning opinion diversity. The USN almost eliminated all traditional rating and “male-oriented” maritime titles such as “helmsman” and only a loud resistance and outcry stopped their culture war plans to destroy yet another western institution and tradition, despite English being the least linguistically gender specific language in the world as if they had nothing better to do. That is a cautionary tale of yes to full inclusion but without destroying our maritime traditions please. Apparently you and DutchHarBro know of each other or have heard of each other’s work history, are in the same maritime segment. So be it , I know nothing of Mr, DutchHarBro, but his concerns of the current radical feminist war on men has potential merit IRT his comment on the “metoo era” if an individual of that ideology should sign on his ship. That being said, I have never tolerated bonifide sexual harassment or quid pro qua and have seen that slimy scenario play out aboard ship and cried foul, period. Industry wide the west is adapting to a gender neutral maritime workplace, which is how it should be. The Navy’s sardine can crewed ships with their pregnancy issues impacting readiness is an altogether different topic which I believe has little relevance in the merchant marine. The chances that a large percentage of worldwide crews will ever be female is doubtful as biological clocks and family start-ups plays a part in limiting career longevity, but then many males also periodically leave the industry and there are plenty of shoreside support positions. Unfortunately the maritime industry is becoming less attractive for either gender here in the Western and industrialized world. In contrast since the growth of FOC shipping, the gender trends may actually be reversing since 85% of mariners hail from traditional cultures in Asia, South America, Eastern Europe and Africa not known for their tolerance of women in general, let alone on ships. The main point I am making is my repulsion at self righteous indignation from a fellow seafarer who is so quick to throw another mariner under the keel in order to perhaps make points with the anointed arbiters of political correctness or perhaps to assuage for some perceived sin of their past.