80 years since the end of WWII

This year it is 80 years since the German occupation of Norway ended (8 May, 1945) and the end of WWII.

There are many big and small stories from then which is well worth remembering at a time when there are again war in Europe, the Middle east, Africa and threats of war in Asia. Facisme is also on the rise in many parts of the world.

I have mentioned this war veteran vessel several times before, but it is well worth repeating here. MK Heland:

She is now preserved as a museum ship, maintained by a group of enthusiasts:

She played a small role in the war but a big part in the traffic of refugees from this part of Norway to Shetland. She also tranported Norwegian sabotaurs, their radio transmitters and weapons the other way: Redirecting...
She was not alone: Boats escaping from Norway WW II - H

This year she will be part of a convoy of veteran vessels that will be heading to Shetland in commemoration of “Shetland busses”:

PS> More to follow from here, but I’m sure others have stories to contribute.