A blast from the past: Ship maintenance


The ‘Dutch Cheese Girl’ bow ornament being painted. Also the Nueva Andalucia in the background has a somewhat simpler decoration up front.


I don’t get these pictures. Current policy states for every 1 person working aloft, over the side or in a hole, 4 fat people are required to be on deck drinking coffee complaining how it should be done. Where are all the lazy people???


The first picture, showing the BESS brought back memories:

She was sister ship of the SLIDRE (ex Bomma) that I served on in 1968 and again in 1969.
Both built at Aker in 1939, but with a different story during WWII.
Both were in Norway when the Germans attacked in April 1940. The Bess stayed in Norway and served in the Home Fleet, while Bomma escaped with part of the Norwegian gold reserve and joined the Allied fleet under Nortraship.
She spent most of the war in US service in the Pacific, Caribbean and South America .
Both re-entered Fred Olsen’s North Sea service after the war.

Bess sunk in a storm in 1951:

The SLIDER came out to S.E. Asia in 1966 and traded on the Vietnam coast for USAid for 14 months, before moving to trade in Australia and the South Pacific islands in 1968.
She was sold to the Philippines in 1970 and ended her days on Gabgab Beach, Guam in 1976;

Just as a thought: If the ship hull can be coated with an environmentally healthy protective coating, can the barnacles get scraped off and eaten so, instead of a problem, barnacles can be a source of income…?

" How to Harvest Barnacles

Even though Barnacles are a major problem for ships, if you require food, they can be harvested right off of the ship’s underside and eaten. This is one of the main ways barnacles were harvested in history. To harvest a barnacle, all you have to do is pinch it off by hand. Then just squeeze the barnacle until the meat comes out. You can also scrape the barnacles off with a scraper tool. But if you use a scraper, be sure only to scrape off the barnacle and not pieces of wood if you are scraping barnacles off a pier or wooden boat.

Scraping barnacles takes a lot of muscle power and time, so take breaks in between each section of barnacles that you scrape off and keep a bucket of seawater with you to place in the barnacles."

Can You Eat Barnacles? | Catch and Fillet


I have to have special classes to instruct deckhands how to make sure grease is getting through a zerk fitting.


Stuff gets so neglected in our “11 ports in 9 days” world that you really have to fight the tendency to shrug and keep pointlessly blobbing grease onto rust