299-ton Watch Requirements

Hello gCaptain,
I’m new to the forum and thought it might be a good place to ask a question I couldn’t find in the CFR’s. So here it goes:

I’m on a 299-ton Multipurpose freight/industrial/OSV vessel. The manning requires 3 officers, 3 engineers, 2 AB’s, and 1 OS. We currently have a Cadet on-board running as an OS without an AB’s ticket. Can the Cadet hold a watch with the 2nd mate in order to break up the AB’s watch schedule to 4 and 8 instead of 6 and 6. Meaning can the Cadet take the third watch to give the 2 AB’s a break? The COI does not disclose wether the officer of the watch is required to have a lookout/wheelman with an AB ticket.


there is something about being over 200 tons holding RFPNW but if the OS is in training that may be different

I don’t think a cadet is supposed to stand a particular watch, in lieu of another watchstander. I believe they are supposed to be on the boat to learn, and do. Standing a watch alone is not the intention…I think

It’s not the intention, but any yahoo with BST can be an OS, so the cadet’s qualify. Now, if his Z-card (i’m sorry, MMC), says Cadet and doesn’t mention OS, I don’t think its kosher. But if it does, I don’t see why he can’t.

[QUOTE=Deviated;50611]Hello gCaptain,
I’m new to the forum and thought it might be a good place to ask a question I couldn’t find in the CFR’s. So here it goes:

I’m on a 299-ton Multipurpose freight/industrial/OSV vessel. The manning requires 3 officers, 3 engineers, 2 AB’s, and 1 OS. We currently have a Cadet on-board running as an OS without an AB’s ticket. Can the Cadet hold a watch with the 2nd mate in order to break up the AB’s watch schedule to 4 and 8 instead of 6 and 6. Meaning can the Cadet take the third watch to give the 2 AB’s a break? The COI does not disclose wether the officer of the watch is required to have a lookout/wheelman with an AB ticket.


Of course he can. Why would an AB have to stand watch with a Mate anyway? An OS or an AB can serve as a look out. Hell I have had Indonesian cleaners serve as lookouts and they barely spoke English.

Interesting question…According to the rules I don’t think it will work…Except for the fact that the midshipmen isn’t an OS and I don’t see anything referencing midshipmen, maybe by that omission alone opens a loop hole…

( Policy 14-02) para 5c.
[I]An ordinary seaman assigned to either the deck dept. or the maintenance dept.Who either stands navigational watches ,or may be assigned to stand navigational watches must also be qualified as a RFPNW[/I]

The requirements for qualification of a RFPNW .(policy 14-02)

Para 2 A. [I]Requires all ratings forming part of a navigational watch on a sea going ship of 500 (GT) or more be duly certified to perform such duties…[/I]

[QUOTE=Capt. Lee;50654] Hell I have had Indonesian cleaners serve as lookouts and they barely spoke English.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but they were looking out for the Captain.

Thanks everyone for the replies…The Cadet is on-board with Mitags workboat program. The program gives him a 500-ton mate license OICNW with only half the required sea-time. Its a pretty interesting program. The school lined him up with our company to gain sea-time and on-board training. This is his first hitch with us as an OS, then he’ll go back to school, get his AB and take some more STCW classes then come back to our boat as an AB. After a couple years he’ll get his license, real world experience, and probably a job with our company.

I’m trying to help our AB’s out by giving them 8-hour days instead of 12. If the cadet can hold a watch with an officer, then everybody will be on 4 & 8’s…

[QUOTE=Shellback;50666]Interesting question…According to the rules I don’t think it will work…Except for the fact that the midshipmen isn’t an OS and I don’t see anything referencing midshipmen, maybe by that omission alone opens a loop hole…

( Policy 14-02) para 5c.
[I]An ordinary seaman assigned to either the deck dept. or the maintenance dept.Who either stands navigational watches ,or may be assigned to stand navigational watches must also be qualified as a RFPNW[/I]

The requirements for qualification of a RFPNW .(policy 14-02)

Para 2 A. [I]Requires all ratings forming part of a navigational watch on a sea going ship of 500 (GT) or more be duly certified to perform such duties…[/I][/QUOTE]

This is very interesting because our boat is only 299-tons, meaning our lookout may not be required to have RFPNW. On a side note, we recently signed off on his RFPNW assessment, but it hasn’t been submitted to the Coast Guard yet. Thanks for the info

Re: 299-ton Watch Requirements

Interesting question…According to the rules I don’t think it will work…Except for the fact that the midshipmen isn’t an OS and I don’t see anything referencing midshipmen, maybe by that omission alone opens a loop hole…

( Policy 14-02) para 5c.
An ordinary seaman assigned to either the deck dept. or the maintenance dept.Who either stands navigational watches ,or may be assigned to stand navigational watches must also be qualified as a RFPNW
The requirements for qualification of a RFPNW .(policy 14-02)
Para 2 A. Requires all ratings forming part of a navigational watch on a sea going ship of 500 (GT) or more be duly certified to perform such duties…[/I][/U]


Ratings Forming Part of a Navigation Watch (RFPNW)
Note: 50% of required service must be on vessels at least 200 GRT / 500 GT.
The other 50% must meet the same requirements as AB. this means at least a 100 ton vessel with all steering and helm on a vessel of at least 100 tons

do forum search and you will find LOTS of info on RFPNW