Rating Performing Part of the Navigational Watch?

Ok guys, I got a question that is getting alot of different answers here on our ship.<br><br>HR sent out a AB Special out here on our Unlimited vessel. Now someone noted once he had been out here for a month, he may not be qualified to stand watch. Because it doesnt specifically say anything about RPNW. he says he took the class, and is now standing extra watches with me, to get his assessment sheets filled. They are going to send him home next port.<br>I am an AB Unlimited and do not recall getting sent home because when I was an AB Special… But that was pre-2002…<br>. <br>Is he ok to stand watch? or does he get sent home?

What kind of vessel is it, and what does the COI state as far as how many AB’s and Lifeboatmen you need onboard to sail?<br><br>He can make up a certain percentage of the AB’s, and he can certainly make up part of the OS compliment, but it all depends on the COI. What he can’t do without the RFPNW is stand a bridge watch.<br><br>As for the STCW, does it note any limitations? <br><br>

Its a scientific research vessel. we run the bare minimum of 3 ABs on here, 1 AB per watch. <br>Ill ask the guy about his STCW later today. <br>I was thinking that having a AB special sort of implies that you can stand Nav. Watch.<br>Maybe I had mine all along, or maybe things werent so strict pre-2002, or maybe I flew in under the radar…?

<P><br>Hey there,<br><br>As a new AB-Special im learning im only an OS or deckhand on full STCW-95 boats untill I get a RFPNW. Below is USCG NMC Policy Letter 14-02. It tells ya everything you need to know.<br><br><A href="http://www.uscg.mil/NMC/marpers/pag/14-02.pdf]http://www.uscg.mil/NMC/marpers/pag/14-02.pdf</A><br><br></P>

I’ve got a related question. I’ve got my 1600 mate’s license, but am going back out on my AB to get some unlimited tonnage time. My STCW says OICNW and Master, but doesn’t say anything about RFPNW. Can I stand a bridge watch as an AB? Would seem a bit ridiculous if I couldn’t, but I wouldn’t be too surprised…

Yes, OICNW trumps RFPNW.

I guess the only thing this guys STCW says is “lifeboatman”. <br>He seems to think once he gets his assessment sheets filled out, and has actually already taken the class, All he has to do is go to the REC with his sea-service letters and assessment sheets to get his STCW and MMD to say he can stand Nav. watch.<br><br>Thanks for the info guys<br><br>Feel free to use this thread for other RFPNW questions/answers.

The classes allow the AB’s STCW to be endorsed “Lookout duties only” then you have one year to get 180 8 hour watches and your completed assessments turned in to an REC to receive the full rating… If his STCW doesn’t say Lookout Duties only I guess he can’t stand as a Lookout by himself. If you are standing watches with him I don’t see what the problem is? Good Luck getting it straightened out.

It depends on where the vessel is operaing and whether STCW is required in that trade. If yes, he’s going to need an STCW cetificate that corresponds to his duties. Taking a class alone won’t do, he needs the certificate,
The lookout only certification (again, he neds the certificate, not just the course) will let him be a full member of the watch limited to lookout (e.g. what the long-gone watch standing OS used to do). If you get in restricted visibility and need to call out a lookout, at a minimum they need the RFPNW-Lookout certification.
James D. Cavo
Chief, Mariner Training & Assessment Division
USCG National Maritime Center

I agree with Mr. Cavo. There is a difference between standing a watch and being a look out. The RFPNW comes in when you are required to post a proper look out under rule 5. The STCW and the CFR’s spell out what a proper look out is. Under the STCW you must have RFPNW on your STCW. If your vessel is over 200 tons you fall under the STCW guidelines. I have had this argument with the companies before. They say the COI only calls for 1 OS and 1 AB. So, this is how they man the vessel. There is no way to maintain a proper lookout 24 hours a day. This is something the USCG needs to correct.
What would help is to add to the COI that at least 2 RFPNW must be onboard. If you are going to require us to have a proper lookout require the company to provide us with one.
An example of when a proper lookout should be posted:
In 1981 or 1984 the Candie Clipper struck a shrimp boat that was at anchor at night. The weather was calm the visibility was good. The shrimp boat was poorly lit. There was only one person on the bridge of the Clipper at the time. The USCG found that in the GOM, do to the high number of rigs and vessels associated with them, at night there should always be 2 people on the bridge. They found that if there would have been 2 people on the bridge the accident would have likely not occured. This is taken from the Decisions on Appeal charter 11.
The masters license was suspended for a year.
The USCG has determined in a court case, upheld in Appeals that at night time in any weather we should be running with a lookout on the bridge.

One wishes the Coast Guard would do the same for tugboats…