Hi Guys,
I currently have a 200 Master of Near Coastal along with a route of pilotage.
I am looking to upgrade to a 1600 ton Matster or Mate Inland license.
What sea service requirements do I need for both licenses?
What exams would I need to take?
Thanks for your help.
January 29, 2013, 4:30am
Go to www.uscg.mil/nmc. Then research it. There are checklists and all types of info for what you seek. Other wise you will get bombarded by smart asses like myself.
Its called searching. Its not hard, if you can’t find it the you don’t need it…
Ha! You’re a moron for actually posting that comment about needing a checklist for an inland license as opposed to an ocean license.
Why is that a moronicic question? I haven’t taken a exams in over 15 years. I don’t how the system or requirements work today. I’m sure the requirements between Ocean/Inland are much different.
The NMC has the checklist for EVERY license needed. Just look!
January 29, 2013, 10:02am
It is not hard to figure out how the system or requirements work today if you just put a little effort into it.
Here’s a start:
January 29, 2013, 3:35pm
[QUOTE=Flyer69;96635]It is not hard to figure out how the system or requirements work today if you just put a little effort into it.
Here’s a start:
That’s pretty funny, but when I investigated that website my virus scanning software activated and cleaned a threat.
January 29, 2013, 6:21pm
That’s pretty funny, but when I investigated that website my virus scanning software activated and cleaned a threat.[/QUOTE]
BS it just redirects you to google
January 29, 2013, 7:16pm
Lmgtfy.com activated and cleaned a threat? Hard to believe.