Hello I am puttting it out here to see if anyone has an idea where i can get hands on z drive stick time .Where I live in the San Francisco all there is on the boats are a Captain.engineer and deck.I have been on and off tractors fore a very long time. and never had a chance to get time, I am an older captain who can travel if needed to work . I am not into ocean tows though .if any one has suggestions when i can find training or a position where i can get stick time it woulld be great. I have a 500 Master oceans with a Master tow.
Thanks I will but I bet as most compaines they want z experienceeven though I have alot of deck time doing ship And I can not understand why they always want you with a 1600 ticket on under a 200 ton vessel.Jjust because its bigger its makes no sense .Heck I have over 300,000 ocean miles
This is one of the hardest niches to break into it seems. I have a couple acquaintances that are z-drive/voith captains, and for both of them, they had to ride along for free and get their stick time. One friend of mine did this for over four years when he was off from his normal job till he finally got offered a spot and was ‘checked off.’
[QUOTE=catherder;163405]I’m an engineer but I’m going to tell you; if you want to drive a z-drive ship you will get that time on research boats, as an AB.
You won’t make money but you’ll get the experience. Up to you. Of course there is a faction here that turns their nose up at research, but whatever.
I posted earlier with a list. You’ll have to apply individually to each university or use a headhunter.[/QUOTE]
Not really thanks
Updated - - -
I will look into it. But ab times don’t do a lot. For sea days on my ticket which is something that I must also consider. But thanks so much for your input
I will look into it. But ab times don’t do a lot. For sea days on my ticket which is something that I must also consider. But thanks so much for your input[/QUOTE]
z-drive time on a ship assist boat is about the only relevant experience that will count. Things happen so quickly during a job in many places that you’re running the controls on instinct or subconsciously rather than thinking. You can get theory on handling a light boat on a supply boat or research vessel but it won’t do much in getting you relevant experience for handling the heat of the moment of a job…[B]with that said though[/B]: Some places run z-drive boats like conventionals so experience there really isn’t worth shit in my book either. Nothing tractor specific about laying alongside and pushing up or backing once in a while, but that’s just my opinion. The only difference is that you can do damage many time quicker with z-drives.
Your best bet is to just hound people until you can either come on as a trainee, AB with the understanding you want to learn, or “ham” and ride in your off-time for free. A combination of the above worked for me at one time. :rolleyes: