As a bridge officer I am always wondering what my occupation is. When you fill out forms… tax, loan applications, political donations, etc., the only blank that usually confounds me is… “Occupation”?
Curious to hear what other’s put down… Ships Officer? Merchant Mariner? Seamen Wrangler? Deck Officer?
Not that I care, being the true bridge officer that I am, the below deck guys can sound off as well.
[QUOTE=Ea$y Money;80082]Not that I care, being the true bridge officer that I am, the below deck guys can sound off as well. ;)[/QUOTE]
Oh goodie !!
I’ve been using “Lion Tamer” ever since I first saw THAT Monty Python skit. Well, there were a few times I put down “Snake Handler” - Never got any feed back.
It wouldn’t make any difference if you used “Poop de Dupe” as long as you were consistent. These forms are shared and scanned by computers for inconsistencies.