Welcome Home Cadets! TSES ArrivesIn The Bronx

I’m in the Bronx and if my iChronometer is accurate… First line at 12:30LT!

Welcome home!


How’s old hHanfty doing? She hasn’t returned any of my love letters. I’m very hurt. Is she ok?

Welcome home guys. Best times of your lives although it might take you some time to realize it. Nothing better than running around with your best friends in a foreign country, broke, and trying to get back sober enough and in time to avoid restriction.

Lots of Texas guys on the Empire State that didn’t make it on the General Earl Rudder. The stories should be interesting to say the least.

      • Updated - - -

Lots of Texas guys on the Empire State that didn’t make it on the General Earl Rudder. The stories should be interesting to say the least.