Vigor Portland (Swan Island) Shipyard Shoreside

Anybody able to offer insight into the shore side office culture at Vigor? I’m qualified for some positions I’m seeing them post and contemplating jumping ship from my current position supporting un-related local heavy industrial manufacturing. I’m working my Seattle connections but haven’t been living there for a few years and thought I’d post here too.

Do you have kids, a wife? Portland is a cesspool. Mismanaged by misguided city council and local leadership. Drugs, crime homelessness all out of control. We left years ago.

Sounds like all you know about Portland is what you see on Fox News.

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I mean, the guy did say he used to live there…

I’ve never been to Portland. But I’ve had dozens of coworkers from the area & I guess it’s a mixed bag from their opinions. But we moved out of our city proper to the burbs in 2018 because of lighter version of the problems you describe. Surely the Portland area has a white-flight zone nearby that Fox News would approve of?

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Politics aside, plenty of people who work in Portland live in Washington state, a reasonable commute across the Columbia River. Vancouver. Longview. No income tax.


My kids grew up 15 miles south of Portland where we lived for 24 years. For the past 11 years we have and still, live an hour and a half from Portland. You want to tell me you know more about what the city was like and where it is and because you feel I might be some narrow minded, uninformed dipshit and feel you can insult me because I disagree with local leadership? Maybe you’re local and we could meet to talk about it? Or would you just like to talk more shit from behind your keyboard?


I live in the mountains northeast of Portland. Would have moved to Montana but the wife doesn’t want to move too far from the kids. Born and raised in MA, Transplanted to the PNW after serving in the military. It’s amazing. Beautiful. People are great. Lots of conservatives Chemicaltanker… but stay away from the toxic, crime plagued, anti American crowds who live in Portland and sail on chemical tankers.


Blockquote Do you have kids, a wife? Portland is a cesspool.

I actually live in downtown Portland by choice an walk or bike all around with my son with little fear for my safety (inattentive drivers are my primary concern) but keep posting so this tread gets bumped enough for someone with personal knowledge of Vigor to notice.

I’ve actually been in urban areas where I did fear violence but the switch to fentanyl has made all the tweakers pretty docile. Since I don’t hang around with dealers I don’t have much to worry about. Hopefully shit- posting about Portland will keep the real estate from appreciating too much while I wait for the interest rates to fall but I have gotten another two free months on my lease renewal.

If I lived somewhere out in the 'burbs we wouldn’t have been able to go see the Shay locomotive that just got put on display at the Rail Heritage Center on a whim after preschool. Tomorrow we’re going to the open studios at the NW Marine Art Collective in a former foundry building that still has cool old casting patterns all over. It’s all much more to look forward to compared to living in a sterile suburb somewhere where we would be safely insulated from seeing less fortunate people.


Sorry I hijacked your thread. Just giving an opinion that was based on personal experience. I always felt the people of Portland were great until a few years back when it seemed like the entire city was infiltrated with progressives from other areas and PDX lost its way. If you live downtown and fear the burbs maybe you embrace that. Many who had families who grew up there do not. Different strokes. If everyone were like me, the world would have ended a long time ago. Good luck with your search of Vigor…

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Actually we know Portland from being there real close and personal.

This started out as an attempt to share an unfortunate truth that Portland is not as it once was. It’s not. You can say that it is still a good place to raise a family and accept the rise in crime as an alternative to the safe flourishing community it once was but I don’t have to agree. You can insult me because you assume my opinion of this city is based off limited exposure or myopic thinking and you’d be wrong. The influx of drugs, the threat of danger from exploding crime, the casualties of local policy failures on communities and the ever present stain of homeless encampments are the new Portland.

Then you know it’s a shithole… thanks for playing.

Well unlike most of these thread jackers i live in Portland and somewhat familiar with the culture at Vigor having friends employed there. Never have heard anything overly negative about Vigor seems like the usual project type stuff that gets amplified when a big project rolls in long hours etc. I’ve looked into working there myself but just can’t give up offshore $ and the schedule.Portland in some aspects downtown has degraded but It is still very livable if you find a good neighborhood that fits your lifestyle. I really do get tired of people shitting all over Portland and rooting against us due this red state blue state tribalism that’s taken hold.its a great city with great people full stop.


PM me if you want some info.