Video and audio Surveillance on board New Coast Guard Policy 23-05

Not sure if this topic has been posted or not. But by December 2024 essentially every commerical vessel is going to be mandated to have audio and video surveillance in every passage way on board the vessel. This seems like a total governent over reach. Any thoughts on this one?

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Welcome to Brave New World, 1984 and Animal Farm combined.


Fishing exempt as usual


We’ve got to do something to stop harassment, adding a paragraph to monthly safety meetings clearly isnt helping like companies wish it would. Talking to our sea seister it does sound like cameras do put them at ease to a degree, it becomes a lot less of she said he said when creepy activity starts happening. The technology exists, there is no reason not to. When you and your nut job watch partner are the only people awake on the ship between 00 and 04 its a confort to have, ive used it to make sure im not about to get jumped in the dark comming out from behind the curtain.


Retaining video and audio from multiple camera feeds for a year is going to take up some data.

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I would hope that there are some safe guards as to the treatment of the data gathered such as they only be reviewed on the receipt of a complaint. If they are being used as evidence then legal advice be obtained before they are reviewed.
It must be made clear to all concerned that surveillance is taking place and complaints must be made promptly so the evidence can be secured.

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(e) Access to Video and Audio Records.-The owner of a vessel to which this section applies shall ensure that access to records of video and audio surveillance is not used as part of a labor action against a crew member or employment dispute unless used in a criminal or civil action.

(d) Notice of Video and Audio Surveillance.-The owner of a vessel to which this section applies shall provide clear and conspicuous signs on board the vessel notifying the crew of the presence of video and audio surveillance equipment.

It appears from the statute that your concerns are addressed.

Biggest issue I see is cost for that data retention, particularly in light of the guidance for suitable audio and video resolution, for a year. I doubt many owners will opt for the cloud option because of the bandwidth cost for satellite comms. Although, if you had the bandwidth a virtual server would certainly be the cheapest option I’d think over a physical server onboard. Likely most will have to opt for an onboard server and/or backup tapes.

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CGIS has an app that you can use to report mariners for harassment independent of your company procedures and policy. This can be used to start the CGIS/DOJ investigation to get these predators off the ships. I highly reccomend having the app.

Link to the flow chart:

I know the idea of cameras onboard and perhaps being held accountable for being a creepy old man may be triggering for some, but dont worry, they have a safe space for you - the retirement home.


This is not the first time ive heard this fear and i have yet to understand it. What are folks worried about? Are there drunken hallway parties I’m not invitied to? Are a lot more people banging on board than im aware of? Or do we just want to continue to hide in our rooms during overtime? Whats the difference between me seeing you do near miss activities from my window vs on the camera?


Starlink would make it more affordable to upload data ashore to free up local hard drive storage onboard.

Some ships have systems that link into cell service when near the coast, data could automatically be transferred when a ship was near the coast with a 4G/5G cell service.

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The newly published master key requirement should also be a powerful tool to implement in the fight against SASH.

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It should be an independent 3rd party that monitors and stores this information.

I can kind of understand this sort of legislation for ships i guess, but on tugs the fact that the audio recording will pick up what the crew talks about in the galley seems like a major invasion of privacy.


Agreed. It would basically kill conversation onboard.

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Yeah that’s been my biggest worry. A lot of these perps have been high level officers and are fairly intelligent. Disabling a video system aboard is not difficult.

Problem was that rule was written/suggested by a few people I know who work offshore. Offshore it makes sense because there are security protocols for sever rooms, spare parts, and electronics technicians to make repairs. The critical stuff is backed up shoreside.

On a merchant ship or tugboat… not so much.


You are so right
Closer than you think

May be. But i had lived in this nightmare for 30 years and can smell the stench of it and notice the symptoms of it from thousands of miles. For reading this books and talking about the contents one could be kicked out from school with no chance of entry into another reputable one and having parents fired from their jobs as well. But some young rookies and spring chicken are wiling to succumb to it with great zeal and gusto. So let them. . I hope I will live long enough to assume the role of a spectator watching them like rats in in a cage of their own choice and creation. Cheers.


“facilis descensus Averno”
Should be kept in mind, small steps

As an example of what can really arise from powerful state institutions

“The Gulag Archipelago” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

I read that one in '75 extreme example, but it all starts somewhere.


How many surveillance cameras are in work places in the U.S. now? Seems a little late at this point to make slippery slope arguments.

  • North America uses the most CCTVs worldwide, with a market share of 28.5%.
  • The worldwide surveillance camera count goes up to 1 billion.
  • 98.8 million households use smart home surveillance cameras.
  • China is titled the most surveilled country globally, with 200 million CCTVs.
  • America has the highest number of CCTV cameras per capita at 15.28.
  • The UK is 3rd most surveilled country in the world, with 628,975 cameras.
  • China dominates the CCTV camera market by 60%.
  • The U.S. video CCTV market is the second largest at $8.29 billion.

From here.


At what point is it too late to resist anything ?

Is right a numbers game ?

When do you give in arguing against what you believe is wrong ?

When do you give in against cancer ? When you are diagnosed or at your dying breath ? (Hopefully that is up to you)

There are thing that seem inevitable and seem to have unstoppable momentum such as environmental degredation, poverty, inequity that some will ague, need to be fought to the bitter end.

Maybe the Phillipines and Vietnam should give in to China who has overwheming military superiority ?

Would early surrender at Alamo when the realised they were vastly outnumbered been a better decision ?

Sometimes even in matters that are of little real consequence it is better to say your piece than give in to me-too mobs and Cancel Pigs. (not referring to here)

They count on you giving in, to spare them being seen as such.

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