Is there a possibility of transferring my sea time in the USN to MM? If so, can someone tell me how to do so or direct me to an appropriate link?
Is there a possibility of transferring my sea time in the USN to MM? If so, can someone tell me how to do so or direct me to an appropriate link?
[QUOTE=bigkreek;40437]Is there a possibility of transferring my sea time in the USN to MM? If so, can someone tell me how to do so or direct me to an appropriate link?
If you mean how do you get your sea time considered by the Coast Guard for your MMC, you need to submit a form called a “Statement of Creditable Sea Service” which you will need to get from the Navy.
Thank you.
You are quite welcome. Good luck!
See your Career Counselor and ask about COOL … I forget what the acronym actually stands for, but it is some sort of credentialling thing. They have worked with the Coast Guard over the last few years to determine what transfers directly over to what as far as Navy to Merchant Marine.
Counselor? I’ve been out of the service for almost 20 years. Where do I find a counselor? I’ve called around a bit and what I found that I need is TOSS…Transcript Of Sea Service. Had to fax some info to them, part of USN…still waiting. Anyone know about TOSS?
Google and then read the Marine Safety Manual, particularly the chapter dealing with military service. After reading that chapter and determining what you think you may qualify for, submit your application with the letter of creditable sea service along with a copy of every eval or fitrep you have received while in the Navy. They may be able to give you more than the standard 60% based on your assignments and duty stations. It worked for me.
Request a certified copy of your page 5 from your service record from the archives in St Lous, (unless you held onto a copy). Based on your rating, you may or may not get sea-time credit…check the Marine Safety Manual rating matrix mentioned in an earlier post. a TOSS is made up from info on the page 5.
Thankiossk Cool!
[QUOTE=Jeffrox;40752]Request a certified copy of your page 5 from your service record from the archives in St Lous, (unless you held onto a copy). Based on your rating, you may or may not get sea-time credit…check the Marine Safety Manual rating matrix mentioned in an earlier post. a TOSS is made up from info on the page 5.[/QUOTE]
Get whatever extra documents you can that document your duties - evaluation reports, letters from supervisors, etc. In many cases these4 additional documents will make a difference. The table in the MSM may “suggest” a particular billet is not acceptable, but these additional documents may support allowing it.
What the Coast Guard will give you really spans the gamut depending on your rate and what you served on. I know 2 retired USN Officers one of which retired as Captain, but since he spent the last 10 years of his career in a shore duty billet the CG only gave him a 6pac license. The other guy while “only” a LtCdr was at sea almost his entire career and got an Unlimited License. Same went for me and several other people I know. One friend of mine got an orginal 1A/E license while I got an original 2AE. But I hear they stopped that practice. No matter what you did I can just about guarantee that if you haven’t been to sea for awhile they’re going to want some recency time before they issue you a license. My friend that got that original 1st had to do 6 months as a FWT before he could sit.
After requesting a Transcript of Sea Service from National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, I was sent a copy of my service record and a letter with the following: “Sea transcripts are no longer issued, however, the enclosed documents provide proof of sea service.” The letter is dated June 18,2010.
[QUOTE=DPWinter;41787]After requesting a Transcript of Sea Service from National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, I was sent a copy of my service record and a letter with the following: “Sea transcripts are no longer issued, however, the enclosed documents provide proof of sea service.” The letter is dated June 18,2010.[/QUOTE]
That sucks!
[QUOTE=DPWinter;41787]After requesting a Transcript of Sea Service from National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, I was sent a copy of my service record and a letter with the following: “Sea transcripts are no longer issued, however, the enclosed documents provide proof of sea service.” The letter is dated June 18,2010.[/QUOTE]
I was lucky enough to get a transcript on my way out of the Navy…I have since tried to get all the info I could from my service record which as you know takes a lot of time…If I were you,. I would do what Azmuth recommended and send them everything when you apply…
There is one other alternative that might help but it’s expensive…There is a way to buy copies of the ships deck log which would show all underway time…Between that and your other records would show that you were underway with the ship…A friend here, told me about this site sometime ago and I would have to find it if you are interested but be warned that it will run easily over a grand or more depending on how many years you go back…I was in charge of copying the logs and mailing it off and a 30 day deck log can easily be 50-400 pages depending on what the ship was doing…
[QUOTE=DPWinter;41787]After requesting a Transcript of Sea Service from National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, I was sent a copy of my service record and a letter with the following: “Sea transcripts are no longer issued, however, the enclosed documents provide proof of sea service.” The letter is dated June 18,2010.[/QUOTE]
So what was it they sent you? A copy of your “page 5”??