This really pisses me off:
It is unfortunate that the USCG is obligated to interfere with natural selection in these type of situations.
They were told leaving was a dangerous decision, charge them for the rescue.
I love it Rob to see you exercise your voice and let em have it as I certainly would. Makes me feel not so alone to be the only one who calls BULLSHIT when it is due!
[B]Australian Lunatics Narrowly Avert Death Off Nantucket
By Rob Almeida On February 16, 2015
Lunatics, a-holes, idiots… whatever you want to call them…
In January, Reg and Jason McGlashan paid USD $10,000 for the 43-foot sailboat Sedona off eBay with the intention of sailing her to Australia less than two months later.
“We’ve never done anything like this. Dad’s not even a sailor, but he’s a quick study,” said Jason McGlashan in an interview with the Newport Daily News in early February. “We’ve got plenty of food, plenty of booze, good sails and all the safety gear you could ever need, so we’re going to be OK.”
A gCaptain source who had worked on the Sedona over the past month had directly warned the McGlashans against the trip.
“You know how when you go back into the steering quadrant of a boat and it’s really dark? It was bright as day back there,” our source says.
He was referring to the thickness of the fiberglass in the hull.
“I wouldn’t sail that boat from Newport to Jamestown,” he notes.
The previous owner of the boat was allegedly facing significant hull delamination issues which prompted him to list it on for sale on eBay.
Our source further notes that the father and son pair had planned to sail their boat around the southern tip of Africa and through the Southern Ocean, instead of the much easier route through the Panama Canal and the along the Pacific trade winds.
The U.S. Coast Guard was informed prior to their departure of their foolish plans and subsequently gave them a final warning that departing for the open ocean from Newport on Friday with a blizzard forecasted was a very dangerous plan.
150 miles later, with their sails in tatters and hypothermia setting in, they called it quits and requested rescue from those who had advised them against going in the first place.
The U.S. Coast Guard says, “after navigating through low visibility and near hurricane force winds, the aircrew arrived on-scene at 8:48 a.m., and hoisted the men to safety.”
By the time the crew was recovered, the U.S. Coast Guard notes conditions had deteriorated to 25-foot seas and winds of nearly 60 mph. Seas were forecasted to build to 34 feet into the evening. The water temperature was 43 degrees and the air temperature was 35 degrees.
On Saturday, the U.S. Coast Guard was urging mariners and the coastal public to prepare for the winter storm, which was forecasted to bring severe blizzard conditions, with heavy snow and winds gusting to 60 knots, beginning Saturday evening and lasting into Sunday morning. The Coast Guard added that it had been flying storm tracks since Friday to warn mariners of the impeding winter storm.
“Given the severity of this storm, this rescue was a major effort and we are all relieved it ended as it did,” said Lt. j.g. Tyler Dewechter, MH-60 pilot and public affairs officer at Air Station Cape Cod. “We are glad we were prepared for this storm and could render aid — and also continue to urge mariners to stay safe and heed the cautions and advisories of winter storm warnings.”
Have an opinion about this? Feel free to rant in the Forum.
BZ to the U.S. Coast Guard… you all continue to impress.
Thanks for allowing me to say…FUCKING IDIOTS, THEY’RE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE!
You know, you and I should team up Rob…between your smarts and my pointy stick we could really make some dirt fly! But would John let you?
This proves my point. Stupid people shouldn’t breed!
I really have no sympathy for anyone on the ocean who does not have a commercial, military or scientific reason to be there.
That’s a cold statement.
Funny, like myself, most of my mariner friends have roots on the water as a kid for non commercial, military or scientific reasons. Not all of us just "become" a mariner when we start working as an OS.
Some of us even enjoy being there, go fucking figure!
There is a difference between being a mariner (having in your blood, having it be who and what you are), and merely having a job where you work as a mariner.
That’s the trouble today with certain segments of the industry, especially the oil patch, for far too many guys its just a job that happens to be on the water, not who they are, or a way of life.
As an Australian and a sailor who goes to sea for pleasure but works in marine accident investigation I have no sympathy for them either. To me is seems all to easy for idiots to go to sea in inappropriate craft with the knowledge that they can push a button and get rescued. High profile “professional” yacht racing failures do little to help the situation. If you start sailing offshore without a radio or gps it certainly concentrates the mind to be self sufficient. Sure have the freedom to do it, but take the responsibility for what you do too.
A lot of things can be fixed, even a sail boat but you can’t fix stupid.
When someone is seen STANDING ON A BRIDGE and is THOUGHT to be preparing to JUMP - - the POLICE take them into PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. Is this not the SAME situation as the people in this article. then again - - I guess people DO have the right to be STUPID - - and it is a known fact that “STUPID DIES”.
[QUOTE=rob;154674]This really pisses me off:[/QUOTE]
Thank God that the USCG was able to complete this mission without incident. It would have been tragic that they put their lives at risk and lost someone. So many times this has been the case. I would bet a large percentage of their calls are something similar, even on a smaller scale. I live in Fort Walton Beach, FL and I see the Coast Guard on the water everyday during the season. I can only imagine the types of calls they get.
Thank You US Coast Guard for being BAMF’s.
Who the heck goes out willingly in a winter storm in a sailboat. Even if they were experienced Mariners I would have my doubts but being completely inexperienced. Well let’s just say I want my money back. The USCG made a noble call effecting the rescue in those conditions but we all shouldn’t have to pay for it.
[QUOTE=rob;154674]This really pisses me off:[/QUOTE]> Lunatics, a-holes, idiots… whatever you want to call them…> Offshore vessel owners around the world are so jealous right now of Eidesvikthe new tone reminds me of–snarky, funny maybe short term but tedious in the long run. not so happy about that. ranting should be reserved for commenters, if at all needed. else, kudos for a great website, keep up the good work.
WAFIs gonna WAFI.
Stund Arses … there was a cure for stupid… but then they invented safety and CG…
The USCG absolutely needs to bill them for the full cost of the rescue and if there is any fine that can be imposed they should get that too.
I was watching the network news with my wife when I originally saw this, and immediately said to her, “WTF were those morons doing out in a sailboat on a day like this?”
As a sailboater myself and also a Licensed Master 50T, on behalf of my sane WAFI brethren I apologize for these morons. Even if they don’t give a rat’s ass about their own lives, you’d think they might have some respect for the USCG types who have to go out and save them.