It took me about 3 weeks…don’t forget sunrise/sunset, 3 star fix, star ID and 3 star running fix. I’m sure there was more, but I was sure glad to pass!
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It took me about 3 weeks…don’t forget sunrise/sunset, 3 star fix, star ID and 3 star running fix. I’m sure there was more, but I was sure glad to pass!
Sent from my SeaPhone using gCaptain.
I have a celestial nav CD study guide for sale in the marketplace… Just sayin’.
How much and what else would I need to purchase? Thanks
Thank you for your reply. It makes since. I have been studing at home and can work all problems on my own. I wanted info on the module 207 part Nav geaneral but seems there is little to nothing to practice with out there. I will go to school anyway just to make sure I can get through all.
Wouldn’t hurt to bring a star finder to the exam room. In some cases, the RECs are famous for misplacing theirs. Make sure you know the sailings. Man, those things are terrible! Bowditch or not, they are still hard.
Sent from my SeaPhone using gCaptain.
[QUOTE=MIKEZ76SP;68647]How much and what else would I need to purchase? Thanks[/QUOTE]
I would like $80 for it. I dont what else you would need… A sextant and a star book maybe? One of these unlimited guys may know, im just a lowly tugboater I decided the 200 NM line is my stopping point.