Pro-war folks who have been cheering for Ukraine to fight until every fighting age man has been killed on the battlefield defending their homeland will now become anti-war advocates again.
3 to 5 folks on this forum will come to the consensus that Houthi pirates really aren’t that bad.
Piracy in the Red Sea will be reduced or stopped after we blow up enough shit & incinerate enough people in Yemen.
I disagree. No stepping on Yemen soil at all imo. I say burn them out like ants. All the weaponry the Military Industrial Complex has in the pipeline for the proxy-prelude to WW3 war in Ukraine can be used making the Red Sae safe for US ships again since the Ukraine-Russia War is on the path to peace since Trump said we were going to stop churning the human meat grinder over there. Killing terrorists & pirates is a realistic, obtainable objective for the Americans who insist we must be killing people on the planet somewhere all the time. Killing terrorists/pirates from far offshore is a win-win-win for everyone. The M.I.C continues to get lots of money, the Pro-War crowd gets their bloodsport & shipping gets safer again. No reason to fear escalating into a WW3 by killing extremists in Yemen by remote controls.
Keeping up with maritime news my whole adult life, I was dumbstruck when the Democrats REMOVED the Houthis from the designated terrorist list in 2021. Even after they fired upon & launched rockets & drones at US ships & sailors, the last president refused to put them back on the terrorists list or take meaningful actions to stop or prevent it. Absolutely nuts. Below links, one from PBS in 2021 describing the Democrats idiotic decision in 2021 & a press release from the White House yesterday stating all the mayhem these terrorists have been spreading. Why the Democrats wanted to waltz into WW3 with Russia with so many uncertainties & the possibility of millions of deaths & nuclear bombs but gave the Houthi free reign to wreak havoc in the Red Sea unchecked is beyond me.
Why are you arguing with yourself? The USN has been blasting the Houthis for months. If Cheeto Jesus wants to increase the rate of blasting I’m not going to argue. Nor are many people here.
But don’t think you can rewrite history. The previous administration launched nearly a 1000 bombs and missiles on the Houthis . It’s not a new thing. More? Sounds great.
Of course, you have to keep in mind the lesson of Iwo Jima. You can bomb a place back to the Stone Age and still have the enemy live.
Months ago on this forum I suggest the USA, Japan, and EU place a moratorium on receiving any cargo going through the Suez Canal. This would put Egypt in financial difficulties. Egypt has a close history with Yemen. Cutting off Egypt’s receipts would force them to intervene in Yemen, which they have done often in the past.
Saudi Arabia was battling the Houthis and they too would have reason to resume that fight.This would make the Houthis an Arab problem requiring Arab money to fix.
But since Chinese ships use the canal more than any other nation the problem would land on China more than the USA. As long as ships using the canal would be blocked from using allied ports the pressure would be more on Arab countries and China than on the USA, Japan, and Europe. Forcing the cost of war onto the Arabs and Chinese.
But in all seriousness most people on this forum have no problem with continued bombing of the Houthis. It’s just a continuation of the policy of the previous administration.
The Houthis has not attacked any ship since November, when ceasefire in Gaza was declared.
Getting the ceasefire extended and eventually a lasting peace between Palestinians and Israelis, would take away the excuse by the Houthis for restarting the attack on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
That will also help Trump’s claim to be a peace maker.
PS> Maybe even the coveted Noble Peace Prize.
Oh, you mean the negotiated withdrawal from Afghanistan that his successor was saddled with and gets the blame for now? Sure Biden could have said “nevermind, we’re not leaving yet.” But the US used to keep its word in diplomacy. At least somewhat, and not yo-yo back and forth.
Who is trying to rewrite history here? Yes, the previous administration did launch hundreds of bombs but except for a few occasions, they were all retaliatory events. The Democrats made it clear the US military wasn’t to engage the known terrorists unless fired upon, hence the removal of the known terrorists from the terrorist list in 2021. The 2021 WH laid it out clearly back then, read the PBS linked article. Remember the Houthi helicopter raid & landing on merchant ships? I asked myself then but knew the answer, “Why in the heck do the Houthis have helicopters or airplane?!” Yesterday’s bombing hit airplanes, helicopter & landing strips. I suspect the new plan is to destroy every helicopter & airplane in Houthi controlled Yemen that has a gun attached to it. That is getting it done! Ships will be safe again eventually if we keep that up. As for your Iwo Jima reference. Either you are ignorant of that battle or you are trying to rewrite history. After we surrounded & bombed Iwo Jima that island was out of the war. We could have starved them to death if we wanted but we HAD to take that island for logistical purposes. We don’t need the coast of Yemen. Just blow shit up until it stops moving.
If memory serves, this is along the lines of the first war ever fought by the USA as a country and not a British colony having issues over tax policy and gun control.
Ships now avoid that straight like the plague, falling from 25k ships a year to around 10k a year & you want to give credit to them for not committing acts of terrorism as often? This is what I foresaw in my No. 2 prediction. Since Trump is taking action, 3-5 commentors on this forum will start to preach the Houthi really aren’t that bad.
All in good time grasshopper… Don’t under estimate your hate for your Cheeto Jesus. Ombugge is the first & you’ve already tried to rewrite the history of Iwo Jima, all in good time…
"The pace of the fire can be seen on the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, where the paint around the hatches of its missile pods has been burned away from repeated launches. Its sailors sometimes have seconds to confirm a launch by the Houthis, confer with other ships and open fire on an incoming missile barrage that can move near or beyond the speed of sound.
“It is every single day, every single watch, and some of our ships have been out here for seven-plus months doing that,” said Capt. David Wroe, the commodore overseeing the guided missile destroyers."
"This is the most sustained combat that the U.S. Navy has seen since World War II — easily, no question,” said Bryan Clark, a former Navy submariner and a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. “We’re sort of on the verge of the Houthis being able to mount the kinds of attacks that the U.S. can’t stop every time, and then we will start to see substantial damage. … If you let it fester, the Houthis are going to get to be a much more capable, competent, experienced force.”
They state quite clearly they were waiting for attacks, THEN they retaliate. They were waiting for the drones & missiles to get in the air & hoped they could knock them down in time. Sounds pretty hopeless to me & that’s why ships stopped going through there. Screw that. Every helicopter, every box or truck on the ground that looks like it could hold a missile or drone should get blown up until the threat is gone imo. We needed a potus, any potus, telling these terrorists that attacks on merchant ships is unacceptable, not a WH telling them they’re not terrorists & we were willing to start a dialog with them “if” they ever decided to talk with us. That was asinine. And please don’t start on, “How much is this all going to cost” since just last week the Democrats were demanding we give an infinite amount of money to the M.I.C & Ukraine to wage war. The Bush Iraq War Republicans, Bidens pro-WW3 Democrats & Harris-Chaney alliance have proven money isn’t a concern when it comes to war waging.
Ha, ha, ha… The hopes were high Iran would stop waging proxy wars, the Houthis would stop hating Israel, America & western civilization, gays would stopped being executed in Iranian proxy controlled territories & their form of Islam would start treating women as equals instead of treating them as cattle. You keep hoping for those things buddy & I’ll keep hoping we continue blowing the sh*t out of those MF’ers until they stop attacking passing merchant ships. Let’s see which happens first.