US Offshore Wind Power

Maybe getting late to the party was a good thing for the US Offshore Wind industry?
Jumping in when the costly development of the technology has been done by others saves doing up again the mistakes and early steps in the development process.
US may go directly onto installing high efficiency, large capacity windmills instead of slowly building up from small and inefficient ones:

PS> I notice that the article doesn’t mention the fact that GE’s development and production of large nacelles are all at their offshore wind facilities and HQ in France, which they bought over from Alstrom some years ago.

Development costs are high. In any capital intensive industry nobody wants to be the first to adapt a new technology but will happily be the second once it is proven. In 2006 while I was in Korea one of the companies I was work alongside was a Greek tanker company. They were just getting into the LNG business. Their first LNG tanker was steam powered as it was a proven technology for the time even though all their regular tankers were diesel. Their subsequent LNG newbuildings were diesel as that has proven the new norm.

That said the US has a rather large land based Wind Industry where many lessons were learned over the years.

The offshore wind project in Maryland waters have been porspond:

That has been a problem.

If T Boone Pickens ( RIP) bailed out of wind you know its a loss maker.
After several years of wind farms I think the long term costs are coming home to roost

Please explain what “long term cost” you are talking about.
With verifiable facts, not “somebody told me”, or “I believe”.

From what i’ve read. I thought costs had been coming down substantially in recent years.

He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, T Boone gave up, the Chinese came in and Texas produces more wind generated electricity than California. Wind isn’t going away.

T Boone was just a bit early in the game. His plan for fleets of NG powered semi’s and wind power were spot on, timing just wasn’t there for him. Wind costs were much higher then too. Always liked that guy. And agree, wind power is not going away by any means, nor is solar.

True. What are you guys doing to prepare yourself for all the marine work that will come with Offshore wind power? (Once resistance to it diminish in the US)

Can’t bitch about other nations vessels doing the work if we don’t have the equipment ourselves. Some are being purpose built, but way behind the curve.

Yes vessels and the right equipment is important.
But so is know-how and experience on the part of the people that is going to operate them.

Couldn’t agree more. We will get there eventually I hope. Permitting is a bitch too.

what backs up wind and solar so you have power when you need it?
the 36% figure surprises me knowing UK weather?

Nuclear ‘still needed’

However, the nuclear industry said that because wind power is intermittent, nuclear energy would still be needed.
Tom Greatrex, chief executive of the Nuclear Industry Association, said: “It doesn’t matter how low the price of offshore wind is. On last year’s figures it only produced electricity for 36% of the time.”
EDF, which is building the Hinkley Point C nuclear plant, said the UK still needed a “diverse, well-balanced” mix of low-carbon energy.
“New nuclear remains competitive for consumers who face extra costs in providing back-up power when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine,” the French firm said.
“There are also costs of dealing with excess electricity when there is too much wind or sun.”

My generator on cheap gas or Dominion Power, which has built solar fields and a partner in the development of wind farms.

Stored wind and solar generated power.
There are many methods in existence, or under development, not just large battery bank.
Here 10 ways of storing energy:
There are more being tested, simulated or modelled.

I think the storage is the secret to wind and solar beating all other forms of power.
I do like the solar plants that heat salt as they can store the liquid hot salt to run the turbines at night.

Pumping water back to the reservoir when the consumpition is low is, or has been proposed, for hydro electric plants. (Which is also renewable energy)

Australia used to do that for the coal plants but if you had enough hydro you wouldnt need anything else.

What?? Putting coal back in the ground??

Norway has enough hydro power to send surplus to Europe most of the time.
If not enough they can import wind, coal or nuclear generated power the other way. (Through the same cable system)

PS> I was in Australia when a Norwegian company developed the Snowy Mountain hydroelectric project. (Early 1960s) Lots of Finnish workers were used on the project- They came to Sydney for their 2 weeks R&R. (Many retured after 1 week)