Upgrade to 3rd mate unlimited

I am looking to upgrade my license (1600 ton Master Oceans 3000 ITC) to 3rd mate unlimited and I’m trying to find out all whats gotta be done. Any help would be appreciated, I.E. Sea time, tonnage requirements, etc. etc.


Start with the checklist, 3rd Mate AGT.

For the service requirements, 46 CFR 11.407(a)(1)

[I]“Three years of service in the deck department on ocean steam or motor vessels, six months of which shall have been as able seaman, boatswain, or quartermaster, while holding a certificate or endorsement as able seaman.”[/I]

[B]OR[/B], if you have time on vessels over 200 GRT, 46 CFR 11.407©.

[I]“While holding a license or MMC endorsement as master of ocean or near coastal steam or motor vessels of not more than 1,600 gross tons, one year of service as master on vessels of over 200 gross tons operating on ocean or near coastal waters will qualify the applicant for an endorsement as third mate of ocean or near coastal steam or motor vessels of any gross tons.”[/I]

The tonnage is a bit trickier, 46 CFR 11.402(a):

“To qualify for an ocean or near coastal endorsement for vessels of any gross tons, all the required experience must be obtained on vessels of over 200 gross tons. At least one-half of the required experience must be obtained on vessels of over 1600 gross tons.”

If your service doesn’t meet those requirements, start reading with paragraph (b) and go from there.

As far as the STCW requirements. If you haven’t already met them you will have to do so, it is not necessarily implied that you have by virtue of your 1600 Master. This is an area where someone else’s contribution may be more beneficial. I had to meet the requirements for my initial license, so I wasn’t looking at it from your perspective.

If you do have to complete them, at least now you can do assessments and test, you don’t necessarily have to have your butt planted in a chair in a classroom like I had to do.

Good luck.

Thank you, Cal.

I was reading all the CFR’s regarding raise in grade to 3rd mate AGT. It looks like I qualify, yet will have to have a tonnage restriction placed on my license, & after I meet the tonnage requirements, the restriction can be removed.

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I’m going through the process now. I have turned in all assessments and application info, it seems to be taking a while for the NMC to figure out what their going to issue me or not issue me. I’ve prepaired myself If they ask me to test. I will keep you posted. Are you working in the GOM?

Yeah, I’m in Fourchon right now getting mud tanks cleaned, what about you?

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I got off the mud boats a few months ago. Currently working as a DPO on a Heavy Lift 11,000 GRT. More money less work.

What lic do you currently hold?