I graduated from Mass Maritime in 2008. I have a 3rd Mate AGT Upon Oceans. I work on an offshore supply boat in the gulf with the following tonnages GT: 2994 ITC and NT 1148 ITC. Will this tonnage allow me to upgrade to 2nd Mate Unlimited in addition to 1600 Master? Thank you all for the information.
[B]§ 11.406 Service requirements for second mate of ocean or near coastal steam or motor vessels of any gross tons.[/B]
top The minimum service required to qualify an applicant for an endorsement as second mate of ocean or near coastal steam or motor vessels of any gross tons is:
(a) One year of service as officer in charge of a navigational watch on ocean steam or motor vessels while holding a license or endorsement as third mate; or,
(b) While holding a license or MMC endorsement as third mate of ocean steam or motor vessels of any gross tons, 12 months of service on deck as follows:
(1) A minimum of six months service as officer in charge of a deck watch on ocean steam or motor vessels; in combination with,
(2) Service on ocean steam or motor vessels as boatswain, able seaman, or quartermaster while holding a certificate or MMC endorsement as able seaman, which may be accepted on a two-for-one basis to a maximum allowable substitution of six months (12 months of experience equals 6 months of creditable service); or,
© An individual holding an endorsement or license as master of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons or master of inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons, may obtain an endorsement as second mate of ocean or near coastal steam or motor vessels of any gross tons by completing the prescribed examination in subpart I of this part.
[CGD 81–059, 52 FR 38623, Oct. 16, 1987, as amended at 54 FR 138, Jan. 4, 1989; USCG–2006–24371, 74 FR 11241, Mar. 16, 2009]
I don’t think the ITC tonnage plays in to it with the USCG if you are sailing in US waters - though Capt. Fran will probably straighten me out on that.
Hope this helps,
The ITC tonnage does count. A lot of the OSV’s do not even have domestic tonnages listed. Only ITC. I have seen it go both ways. You get the Upgrade with a tonnage limitation on your 2nd Mate and I have seen people get there 2nd Mate with the ITC time without restrictions. The ones I have seen with restriction were on straight 1600 ton boats with out the ITC tonnage on their sea time letter. The ones that got it unrestricted had their ITC time listed. I can not quote CFR on this one, but I do know that the time counts, but possibly with restrictions.