Just out of curiosity, could someone tell me if its possible to go from WBA graduate to unlimited master? I know it takes MANY years of experience to attain this , but i dont know if a 4 year academy is the only route to take, or will a combination of schooling, experience, and time give someone the chance to get to this level of mariner? Thanks for any info…
oh DEAR GOD! Not again?
Here’s my answer…go to the GoM and get to be a large OSV master before you are 25 then you can march into the REC in Mandeville and DEMAND your UL master’s license you are ENTITLED TO!
Just curious c.captain. Its in reference to a question in a book i am reading. Sorry to bother you with this question.
[QUOTE=mkorman75;177904]Just curious c.captain. Its in reference to a question in a book i am reading. Sorry to bother you with this question.[/QUOTE]
you want a serious answer?
go to WBA, graduate with a 1600ton mate’s license and an AB. Go to work on the THOMAS G. THOMPSON as an AB then work your way up the food chain over many years to master.
next question please?
Bernie says it unfair for unlimited master’s licenses and all the good jobs to be restricted to the wealthy top 1% of Mariners. He is going to redistribute unlimited licenses to address license inequality. He is going to give them to all mariners with at least three years of seatime over 25 tons.
It’s possible to go from OS to Master Unlimited, why couldn’t a workboat academy graduate do it?
Yup, of course it’s possible. If you have the drive and motivation the world is your oyster.
It’s more possible than it use to be, but it’s still pretty damn difficult to break out of limited tonnage vessels.
Very Difficult to get a union job on an unlimited tonnage ship. The unions control damn near all of the big ships. Workboat Academy is not the track to deep sea employment.
When the oil patch recovers, there will be some jobs on OSVs over 1600 GRT. Yes, it’s possible down in the bayou.
Thanks for info everyone. A few people who work for some companies where i live said that me attending WBA would be a waste of time because it wouldnt help me in the long run. Again, i am new to this industry. Maybe these people who are telling me this just dont like people who attend academy’s.
Having a 1600 mates license and an AB is not a waste of time. It’s a door opener. Trying to sail as an OS on an unlimited tonnage vessel would be a waste of time. Go through the program, get your credentials and make s
[QUOTE=“swab”]Having a 1600 mates license and an AB is not a waste of time. It’s a door opener. Trying to sail as an OS on an unlimited to
[QUOTE=mkorman75;177987]Thanks for info everyone. A few people who work for some companies where i live said that me attending WBA would be a waste of time because it wouldnt help me in the long run. Again, i am new to this industry. Maybe these people who are telling me this just dont like people who attend academy’s.[/QUOTE]
That depends on the background of the people in question and what they meant by the statement.
If your goal is to get a license as Master Unlimited then the WBA is not the smartest choice. If your goal is to work on big ships then the WBA is not the smartest choice. The Workboat Academy is for people that want to work on, gasp, WORKBOATS.
My goal is to work on, and have a career in WORKBOATS. I dont want anything else. The people who made that statement live in my area and are commercial fisherman on the purse seine boats or independent tug operators. Not to be overzealous, but i am proud to be attending WBA and am proud to be a future tugboat man.
And I’m looking forward to prove them wrong !
[QUOTE=mkorman75;177993]My goal is to work on, and have a career in WORKBOATS.[/QUOTE]
Then the Workboat Academy is the perfect place for you and the nay sayers are idiots.
Thanks for the info Capt. Phoenix
Hey swab. C’mere. Listen up. Now, the way it works shipboard is, you do your job. You do it good, you get a better job. Maybe you get promoted from swab to mate.
Yeah, incentives are important…Learned that in rehab.
[QUOTE=Irish Pennant;177998]Hey swab. C’mere. Listen up. Now, the way it works shipboard is, you do your job. You do it good, you get a better job. Maybe you get promoted from swab to mate.[/QUOTE]
this is the best one EVER!
MAN! I wished I could do that?
C Ransom Walrod, hell of a boat driver/stuntman/coordinator. He made that landing from down below with his wife Patti giving instructions from on deck. Worked for Ransom/Patti for about 5 years driving stunt/camera/safety boats.