I know there are many threads like this. I am still confused. I’d love any thoughtful help from someone whos’ had to do this recently.
I’m sending in for OS, Food handler, wiper, AB-Special, AB-Sail (yes useless commercially) lifeboatman-limited, Master 100 ton inland with aux sail and towing, Mate 200 inland with aux sail and towing. I have the sea time (GRT 50-99 on a smattering of tall ships, some NC time, most is inland), took classes for everything. I’m looking into deckhand on research vessels, tugs, NOAA. I want tonnage and sea time. It feels like a catch-22. I want ocean time and large tonnage, and perhaps hawsepipe up to 3rd, but to get that I need ocean time and large tonnage? I’m focused on Able Seafarer-Deck because it looks like the next step for me to get.
People talk about ‘get your AB’. Do they mean national or STCW? Do they mean whatever AB you qualify for? Unlimited, limited, special, osv, sail, fishing, modu?
get your AB “with STCW”. which? Just Basic Training? RFPNW? VPDSD?
Getting RFPNW
46 CFR 12.605 —180 days of seagoing service, which includes training and experience associated with navigational watchkeeping functions and involves the performance of duties carried out under the supervision of the master, mate, or qualified STCW deck rating, EXCEPT, as identified in 46 CFR Table 1 to 12.605(c) below.
- Proof of successful completion of a Coast Guard-approved or accepted training, which includes:
• Not Less than 60 days of approved seagoing service
Do I need 180 days prior to gettinf RFPNW? Do I understand that If I get my AB Special, and then want to add RFPNW, I don’t need to satisfy the specific sea time requirements for RFPNW? I don’t currently have the sea time But I would need an approved course, or the sign off for the skills from a QA or someone fitting the requirments of NVIC 19-14, per that new exstension? https://www.dco.uscg.mil/Portals/9/NMC/pdfs/announcements/2023/qa_extension_announcement_100223.pdf?ver=8OvTXIv7-MhTNMUEzlOYLg%3D%3D×tamp=1696256927770
46 CFR 10.232 —Sea time for an oceans, NC or STCW endorsement. day for day on the great lakles. Inland can count for 50%. day for day on any water if STCW applies to the vessel, inside passage is day for day for NC/STCW
To even qualify for RFPNW, I need the sea time above?
Assessments- Proof of successful completion of Coast Guard-approved or -accepted training, which includes not less than 2 months of approved seagoing service;
STCW Code Table A-II/4— So I need to prove all of this from a class, or have a qualified person sign off, per “Record of Practical Performance Assessments from NVIC 06-14” ?
To be able to get RFPNW I would need to have 180 days of seagoing service, and that seatime has to be on the lakes, and half of it can be inaland water. OR i take a USCG approved course that includes 60 days of approved seagoing service? And then I could have the RFPNW STCW endorsement on my MMC?
What’s the difference between meeting the requirements for certifications as RFPNW and being qualified as an RFPNW? 46 CFR 12.603
To get STCW AS-D, I need to already have RFPNW STCW and then, since getting it, have gotten 18 months of seagoing service in the deck department or 12 with approved training 46 CFR 12.603 ? Do I understand that time I got on ships before obtaining RFPNW doesn’t
count towards AS-D? Or I can get AS-D without RFPNW, but I need to, as seen in the quote below, basically already have everything for RFPNW, besides sending in the application for it? I see on the checklist for AS-D “Not necessary to hold the endorsement for RFPNW but ALL training/assessments, watchstanding and sea service required for RFPNW must be completed before accruing the sea service towards AS-D.”
For Table A-II/5 of the STCW Code, These skills can be signed off from a class or from a qualified assessor, as per NVIC 14-14?
I found this previous thread STCW endorsement as Able Seafarer-Deck - #8 by jdcavo and it might, if true, answer some of my questions. I’d like corroboration. Like that I won’t be able to count any sea time for AS-D until I have RFPNW, or the last day of my seatime letter that then qualifies me to apply for RFPNW
What ships can I actually get time on that progresses my sea time, rather than stagnate or set me back? Most tugs seem useless if they operate inland, and if they go offshore I need some kind of STCW. Does that mean AS-D or just basic training?
Basic Training I know to just find a class and take it.
If you read this far I sure appreciate it, thanks!