Trump suggests renaming the Gulf of Mexico to “Gulf of America”

because who the F&%# cares ?


Because shortly after Canada becomes the 51st State and Greenland becomes the 52nd State, Mexico will become the 53rd State.

Changing the name of the GULF is just paving the way for the absorption of Mexico.


Exactly. It’s kinda like the South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea. China doesn’t recognize the West Philippine Sea so they call the entire area the South China Sea. The Philippine part was ordered thru UNCLOS in 2016 but China refuses to admit that. So the two countries choose to call it two different names. Calling the GOM the GOA won’t change anything as far as territorial limits etc., it’s just a name on a map. The US could start calling the GOM the GOA tomorrow and no one outside the US would care nor would they change the maps.
There are more important matters to deal with such as conquering Greenland and Panama, the price of eggs and low water pressure. Time to move on.


Panama? I thought we changed the name of that place to Panamaga already?

Edit: Opps, my bad. I guess I let the cat out of the bag? That will be next months tweet & topic of misdiscussion.


Make it “Gulf of ‘Murica” and I’ll consider it.


And so the craziness, chaos and unnecessary drama starts again.


Hmm- according to the USF- the US Coastljne along the Gulf of Mexico is 2700 km while the Mexican coast line along the Gulf is 2805 km. I’m sure that Trump will then propose to rectify that by claiming Tamaulipas so that the US has the longest Coastline, thus justifying his renaming of it as the Gulf of Trump.

From what I saw that 2805 number includes coastline south of Cancun, which I would call the Caribbean, not the Gulf, and the US figure doesn’t include the Keys. YMMV. But if we were going to take any territory in Mexico, to justify our claim, we would probably reoccupy Veracruz… :rofl:

If 50,000 US troops cannot be used inside the US to secure the Southern Border, then we should give serious consideration to deploying them on the Mexican side of the line.

Mexico is not far from being a failed state controlled cartels and narcoterrorists.

As far as Mexico becoming a US State, I’m sure that 90% of Mexicans would love to become US Citizens. They need good paying jobs and we need hardworking labor.

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If what the Associated Press is saying in this article is true, Mexico is now bussing Central & South Americans migrants to towns that won’t sell them bus tickets to the US border to appease Trump, maybe they won’t mind using Gulfo de America either?

So, we have DOGE to reduce all the waste in government spending.

Then we get MTG submitting a bill that, if enacted would likely cost millions of dollars to implement throughout government agencies, printed material, etc, etc. MTG should have to include a CBO cost estimate with her bill. In fact, all bills should include it.

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The opinion here from as far away as possible is anything that Trump says should be taken with a grain of salt. Congress will pull the handbrake on any chance that Trump will ride the chariot sweeping all before him as he subdues Greenland.
Speaking of chariots:
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority,
but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.


These were great ideas too. I fowarded it on to TheRealDonaldTrump to see if we could get the balls rolling. I added my own part of renaming the “Indian Ocean” to the “Far Away American Ocean”. I think The Donald is going to like them!

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All of this is of course incredibly strategic but also entirely shameful. The leader of the most powerful nation in the history of the world should act with dignity and seriousness, especially as it relates to foreign affairs and the sovereignty of nations.

We actually learn as children that you should treat others as you want to be treated, and the same should go for world leaders and nation states to best ensure a peaceful and orderly world for as many human beings as possible. It’s a simple concept really and is the basis for a civil environment whether in a home, classroom, workplace, or society. It appears some people never got the lesson or have instead chosen the bully strategy: Make others look small to make yourself look big.

Unfortunately what we have here is an individual who would rather spout ridiculous notions in an effort to:

  1. control the news cycle and get as much attention as possible
  2. create a numbness to what otherwise would be shocking statements or notions.

This is nothing more than the tactics of a huckster, a con man, a flimflam man, a carny. It might be humorous if it wasn’t on the world’s largest stage with the greatest of stakes. So that when actually shocking and unprecedented actions are taken they will seem tame in comparison to the madness that was spoken of in advance.

I wish the media and everyone else would just ignore it entirely rather than amplify such a noxious message that is intentionally meant to distract us from so many real and important issues and to desensitize us to the notion that the “leader of the Free World” is really just out to make the most for himself, his family, and his cronies.

“Drain the swamp” was truly the most Orwellian of slogans. Maybe if we all ignore it at once we will see how pathetic and small he really is, desperately trying to compensate with such pretend bravado, and he will then slink off to his sad and unhappy life.

Can you imagine this guy ever working physically hard at anything in his life? Just for a minute try imagine him mowing his lawn. It might be laughable if he wasn’t so bankrupt of morality and successful at duping so many.


Then please explain why the world is changing in anticipation of this ‘huckster’ taking office? Why are things happening now that wouldn’t have happened without Trump’s election?

CNN waddles into Mar a Lago on their knees begging forgiveness. Mark Z’berg says he rigged the election against Trump (at the direction of the White House) and now admits he was naughty and probably was unwise to kick in $400m and will allow a teeny bit more free speech on Facebook. Mexico discourages invasions through its territory. Wishy washy prime ministers (eg Trudeau) wilt and slink off into obscurity after meeting with Trump and learning their fate first hand. Court cases which had you Lefties salivating moments ago vanish into thin air and you don’t want to talk about them any more - ooooh, look over there, unicorns. Biden says nothing other than dishing out gongs to thieves, traitors and liars for ‘service rendered’ and nobody speaks of the greatest lie from the Dems; that Biden was always fully capable and cognisant. Who knew? Who ran the administration? Certainly not the cackling idiot.

I love it how Trump has everyone here seething with indignation at his style. ‘He can’t do that’, you all chorus. Meanwhile, his agenda is the one being implemented and you should marvel at its mastery rather than bleat about the horror of this democracy thingy you don’t quite get.


Its coming. :laughing:


I’m not saying that the strategies aren’t effective. They absolutely are! That’s the most frightening part of it all. Honestly I’m more afraid of people’s obsession, both for and against, than I am of the man himself. The man has reduced the American electorate to a bunch of fools and rubes falling for PT Barnum clap trap. There is zero substance here, and yet people continue to debate as if this matters. The name of the Gulf of Mexico, how unimportant can you possibly get? There are real problems to solve in this world!

The public has always been shallow and gullible. They fell for the actor that Reagan was and bought into Clinton’s aw shucks Arkansas accent when the guy was in reality a very smart pervert. But never in my lifetime has someone with such an obvious history of hucksterism and scams (Trump University, Trump Streaks, casinos, The Apprentice, etc.) so captured and held people’s attention, and I’m including both people who like him and those who don’t. I’m faulting both sides for giving such a vacuous and empty soul all the air in the room. Air enough to out inflate any substance he might bring, which is none. The man IS an act. He always has been. He’s playing the public so obviously and by that I mean BOTH sides and yet both sides gleefully embrace it. It’s as if we as a society enjoy this game, this mockery of all we ever stood for. Every virtue becomes a vice and every vice becomes a virtue. He is almost literally the 7 deadly sins in the flesh, and yet somehow there are people of faith who admire him?

He cares very little for the future of his party, the nation, or the world. He does care a great deal about how he is perceived and how important he can pretend to be. We, and by this I mean both sides, all sides really, have given and continue to give him exactly what he has always craved. Relevance. Attention. And the more of that he gets the more it emboldens him to suck up that much more.

I’m afraid his father left him a very damaged boy and he has been compensating ever since. It’s sad really. I honestly feel sorry for him. But if I had a child who acted the way he acts I would be disappointed. To still act that way as a grown man is especially telling.

I suppose he and all that he stands for is exactly what we deserve in this self absorbed 21st Century. Where nothing is wrong unless it is actually illegal, and even then it’s only a problem if you get caught, or convicted, or actually have to serve time or endure punishment. Playing by the rules is for losers, people who choose service over themselves are suckers and those who sacrifice, suffer loss, are injured, or heaven forbid die for a cause greater than themselves are to be mocked not admired. No one is more important than yourself, and no country or no people is ever as important as your own.

It’s certainly not how I was raised and it in no way resembles what I learned in Sunday School.


Every word in your reply could be applied far more effectively to his opposition.

Here’s where we disagree.

I, and just in passing, millions of Americans, see substance where you can’t see the forest for the trees.

Trump went from 63 million votes in 2016 to 74.2 million in 2020 to 77.3 million in 2024 … seems like he’s getting more popular! That’s the test for a politician. Unless you despise your fellow Americans for being so much less sophisticated and substantial - in which case democracy isn’t for you - you must bow to their collective judgement and wear the consequences.

Who knows why they voted for him? They just did. They see something where you see film flam. I could provide a list of hundreds of achievements from his first term, but he’s provided a long list for this term and you can tick them off at your leisure. I say he’s already started. He actually walks the talk ie does what he says and that’s very unlike any other politician. The test will be his progress through his list. That’s the test of substance that you presume is impossible from a showman.

Would you have been happier with Kamala, and the way she was wafted into the nomination without your input? Please tell.


“seems like he’s getting more popular!” Exactly, he is getting more popular and that is what I find so impressive. There have been so many things, so many instances, that even taken in isolation would have been political death for any other politician but he has turned the political norm on it’s head such that all these events that would be perceived as negatives in any other candidate are almost viewed as positives. It’s as if his resilience, his defiance and ability to stay “relevant” in spite of “negative” information overcomes even the most negative event and are then somehow perceived as strength. It’s as if his lack of shame in spite of acting shamefully has made his various behaviors admirable rather than detestable.

There’s no question he has captured the mood and the moment in time perfectly in terms of how he opportunistically utilizes any publicity to gain more attention and more of the public discourse even if it is about the most ridiculous things. In fact in true click bait fashion the more ridiculous the better, because it gets that many more clicks, and it gets that much more talk and it gets that much more reaction, good or bad. It’s all about emotional reaction, good or bad, rather than serious measured policy.

This isn’t a man who has had a vision all his life and after years of working toward it has now finally reached the highest office to enact something that he thinks will make people’s lives better or the world a better place. He is a man who has been desperate for attention, pomp, grandeur, and after a lifetime of various business successes and failures has stumbled upon the perfect moment in time when the internet mentality makes his combination of ego, bombast, and cruelty into something popular and politically potent.

He most certainly does NOT walk the talk given all the things he’s talked about. He’s talked about grabbing p$%^!@#, he’s talked about annexing Canada, he’s talked about buying Greenland, he talked about Mexico paying for the wall. He talks so much that no one for a second expects him to be telling the truth ever. No one exactly knows what if any talk they should take seriously and I don’t think he does either. It’s diarrhea of the mouth. He can say whatever he wants because people are conditioned to disregard it as joking or exaggeration but at the same time they will talk that much more about him. He’s the opposite of a man of his word. He says whatever he wants, he speaks in stream of consciousness, at times contradicting himself and then often in the end actually does something all together different or nothing at all. Him talking is his way of testing, seeing what the reaction is, he’s constantly pushing with words, throwing words against the masses to see what sticks, how will it be perceived or received, what will get a reaction. When something is well received or gets him a lot of attention he sticks with it. Other times he moves on to other things leaving whatever it was that was the flavor of the moment in the dust.

In true bully fashion he’s especially skilled at coming up with unflattering nicknames and uses them in endless repetition in an effort to get them to stick. It’s like a bully on a school yard teasing other kids over and over with the same name until eventually everyone thinks of that same cruel or disparaging nickname whenever they encounter that poor kid.

I personally would be happier with a serious candidate. One who nominates other serious people with experience and surrounds themselves with subject matter experts with knowledge for positions of importance. One who has a vision and focuses on the most serious issues and problems of the day, rather than filling positions with yes men, TV personalities, his son’s ex-girlfriend, and his daughters convicted felon father in law. I most definitely DO NOT want someone who belittles with name calling. I would detest that in a child or a co-worker, and I find it embarrassing and disgusting in a “leader” that we as a people have chosen. You can dismiss it as simply his style but I consider it debasing of the office and a horrid reflection on us as a nation. He behaves in a way that we try to teach our children not to. I don’t care if he manages to be effective with those methods, I find them repugnant and if that is what is required to be “successful” in this world I will have to satisfy myself as a failure.


Sadly, I don’t have the time nor energy to refute every point. I accept you don’t like him and can’t understand why so many others do.

But I don’t see you defending the no doubt laudable (in your mind) behaviour of his opponents. How many candidates did Trump defeat fairly in the primaries? All of them and convincingly. How many candidates did Kamala defeat in primaries? None! the system anointed her on your behalf and yet you decry, yet again, this democracy thingy.

Fine. Produce one and let’s see. Trump submitted himself to the process and survived everything your side threw at him fair and foul. That counts in the eyes of the workers, those toothless, insignificant rubes so despised by the Dems and establishment elites.

The establishment elites from both sides have ruined the world and corrupted everything they touch. You want them to rule you because they sound more serious? They are robots controlled by their hidden masters who are terrified of someone not beholden to them like Trump. He scares them shitless and that’s good. I love it.

A last thought.

That’s “pussies” for the pussies who hide behind euphemisms.

Let he here in this forum of rough and tumble seafarers who is without such sin, cast the first stone. Won’t be me for sure.

Ok he said it. Who said, “I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky” and remained president? Someone of more gravitas?