Travel Ban from Europe to United States

And now I am thinking you’re just making shit up… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Who gives a shit where the virus came from? Can’t undo anything. The important thing as far as I am concerned is not to panic. Know there is something out there being spread around that might make you sick. Probably won’t kill you but who wants to be sick? H1N1, Swine flu, etc were diseases that could have affected everyone but it did not affect most folks. This is not some nuclear nightmare, chill out, wash your hands like you’re supposed to do anyway and avoid large crowds for awhile.


Absolutely true. No argument with you there. The problem is not infection, but perception, and perception has consequences.

We in the business of staffing ships have a challenge ahead of us. Because if one crew member has a fever aboard ship, which statistically speaking is likely not to be COVID, the entire crew is going to freak out, damn the statistics. The “Q” word is going to be batted about like a tennis ball, the USCG is going to get involved, and customers are going to lose money.

So the whole game is, How do you prevent that one person from getting aboard? Not because they’re going to die, but because perception can be worse than infection. :mask:


At this point the customer should know they are in a pandemic crisis. They also are going thru the same problems with their employees. It is hunker down time for everyone for a few weeks or a month. It’s an inconvenience that affects everyone financially . As a very small business owner I know there are things beyond my control. I prepare for those things by having enough cash [liquidity] to get thru. If one is living hand to mouth and an upset like a temporary pandemic causes one to lose their business? Well, perhaps that is the “free market” at work. On the other hand I see the Fed throwing trillions of dollars at the big banks to protect them thru accelerated repos and a new QE. A few billion to small business owners to give sick pay to their employees so they don’t risk coming to work ill or can take care of sick relatives would be chump change compared to the trillions being shoveled at the banks. But we know that is not going to happen. C’est la vie

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Now, how would you extrapolate exponential increasing inside the dumb masses?
The masses will indeed always be late with their perceptions versus the state…

Could you elaborate on this? I’m not seeing what you’re getting at.

The perception is the true state of peoples, now.

With the time between today’s state and the statistically known number of people already infected but not yet ill, perception cannot handle the already known near future.

biggest threat with social media is it doesnt need to bombard you with fake news it changes the way you think so you form new opinions

we havnt recovered from covid 08 yet and covid 2020 will be bigger badder and longer lasting

Creation Of Virtually Infinite Dollars

That news outlet is almost as funny as The Onion. Here’s another good one from 2009 from The European Union Times.

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At least they’re clear:

To make things clear, we DO endorse communism in its original Soviet Union form, we disavow Antifa as not real communists but as a bunch of Satanist schizophrenics who should all be sent to the Siberian gulags. We also support nationalism! We are both socialists and nationalists. Had the Axis and the USSR got along back in the 40s like they should have, the world would have been a totally different place now (for the good). [Emphasis mine]

Not only are they clear, pre-Stalin communists, Nazi’s they have never before seen pictures of the Pope that the Vatican probably doesn’t want anyone to see. Something tells me I shouldn’t use that news site as a reference when debating with people on-line?

A horrible site !
I had to clean the computer’s display with Corona disinfectant.


He probably should use his tooth rasp more if he’s going out in public…

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25 posts were split to a new topic: Federal Government Crisis Management

Every day we delay going into serious lockdown will make things much worse.

A few days ago we were nine days behind Italy in total cases and keeping pace. As of yesterday we’re seven days behind and gaining.

We’re getting ten times as many cases every eight days; was nine days a few days ago. Italy is getting 10x cases in twelve days, up from ten a few days ago.

Don’t be surprised if our total cases pass Italy’s present numbers five days from now.

This explains it all

Get your town authorities and congresscritters to read it and ACT.

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Scary article…

Truthful article. Be scared or not, but take it seriously and light a fire under the movers and shakers.

Netherlands has 950 official cases. I don’t have retrospective data but it seems likely the rate of increase is similar to the other Western nations. That would put you on track to have a million cases in a month, give or take.

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The US will have at least 100 million cases of corona virus and one million deaths before this is over.