Transfer watch keeping mate Canadian license to USCG 3rd mate license


I am an American citizen working in Canada for BC Ferries, under a Canadian watch keeping mate license. I was wondering what the process would be to transfer or get an American USCG License. Would I have to redo all of my exams etc.
Also how is the job market on the west coast
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Ask Mr Cavo

Times I’d like to know how to do it the other direction! Shouldn’t STCW yield some sort of reciprocity?
MTSKIER in Gulfport

Unfortunately yes you would have to redo all exams. You would have to document the required sea service for the US license you want, there is no license transfer process. If you took any STCW training courses in Canada, you would have to retake them in the US.

[U][I][B]Unfortunately yes you would have to redo all exams. You would have to document the required sea service for the US license you want, there is no license transfer process. If you took any STCW training courses in Canada, you would have to retake them in the US.[/B][/I][/U]

I do not think that the above is correct, you can transfer a US license to red flag, bahamas, and more without any problem or additional classes

your best bet is to get in touch with

MPT in fort lauderdale florida

they have an in-house staff that is very knowledgeable


I am an American citizen working in Canada for BC Ferries, under a Canadian watch keeping mate license. I was wondering what the process would be to transfer or get an American USCG License. Would I have to redo all of my exams etc.
Also how is the job market on the west coast
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.[/QUOTE]

Canadian Watchkeeping mate ®
Canadian Watchkeeping Mate (Restricted) license is a like a taxi driver license in Canada and the rest of the world it could be a sandwich maker permit. You could get sea time by watching titanic move and then do your exams and then work for Coast Mountain Bus Company Sea Bus or BC ferries if you have a relative working there (highest wages for operators in the planet with the lowest qualifications are these companies. Seabus is no. 1) rest of the world this WKM ® is like a TAXI drivers license. So if you want to get a white list certificate you will have to do all the courses and exams to get a STCW/95 certificate from another white list country like USA. I got a Bahamas license as a master mariner submitting (Not a white list) my BC drivers licenses which is valid only to drive cars in day light. So check with your authorities first.