Torpedoed by the border wall

Democrats desperately want open borders because:

They want more immigrants who mostly vote democratic,

They want to flood conservative republican districts and states, like Arizona, Nevada, Texas and Florida with immigrants to flip them into democratic districts and states, and give democrats permenant control of Congress.

They want more immigrants who need and will use more government social programs to create a bigger socialist welfare state.

Identity politics, liberal white guilt, and a desire to make reparations for all the bad things white men, have done.

That about sums up why the liberal socialist democrats want open borders.

By the way, we should not build any ice breakers or ice class ships because they will disrupt the Arctic environment, accelerate global warming, and intrude on the peace, serenity, and culture of the Natives in the Arctic.

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Didn’t feel like it when I visited the US…

I assume that’s because you conducted your visit in a legal manner via a passport, visa, and an official point of entry. If that’s the case, thank you for respecting our laws and process. Not all take the path you did.

Exactly…and this speaks to the earlier comment about “what politician advocates for open borders?”. When you’ll appropriate money for signs like these without doing a thing to address why signs like these are necessary, then your advocacy is clear to see.

Looks like a family running away from a wildfire. So the advocacy is clear to see; do something about climate change.


" As of 2008 and later confirmed in July 2017, one sign remained in California,[3] and there are no plans to replace it as it is largely obsolete. The number of people apprehended while illegally crossing the border in the region has seen a 95% decline over thirty years, going from 628,000 arrested in 1986 to 31,891 in 2016.[4] As of February 2018, the last sign had disappeared.[5]"

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Could the 95% decline in the area be caused by the increased mileage of fence and barrier in the same zone?..Who da thunk…


February 2018:

The “immigrant crossing” signs have become obsolete, said Cathryne Bruce-Johnson, a spokeswoman for Caltrans. The transportation department stopped replacing the signs years ago because it constructed fences along medians to deter people from running across highways. The last one was stolen in September 2018.

The decline of illegal crossers along that stretch is due to increased enforcement including the erection of more substantial fences and more effective patrolling. As a result, illegal crossers have moved east toward Arizona where terrain is less forgiving and enforcement more difficult.

To believe that illegal crossings have stopped because they have moved east away from increased enforcement is a delusion.

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They are…the dumpster fire that their home countries have become. Some might even call places like that a sh*thole.

This can go on forever. This is an emotional issue where minds are made up and people are not likely to switch sides no matter how sound an opposing argument might be. If you base your opinion on TV “news”, "news"papers,talking heads, politicians and academics, you are getting their biased versions of the truth. If you want to know what’s really going on, ask the boots on the ground who live with it day in and day out.


No. Physical barriers by themselves do little to reduce entry on foot and are rationally used to prevent or slow down vehicular entry. The failure of the extended “wall” at San Diego is well documented. The decrease in entry was due primarily to increased patrolling.

And before you or others respond to this, I suggest you Google on my name and check out where I worked just before I retired and what the last National Academies study I was on had as a topic.



The San Diego wall is a joke. No physical barrier is going to completely stop border crashers. No matter what we do, some people will figure out a way to circumvent it. East Germans overcame serious physical barriers and braved machine gun fire to seek a better life. No one is advocating jackbooted checkpoints on street corners.

It takes a combination of defenses to counteract dedicated operators. Why are green card, Social Security card and driver’s license forgers allowed to offer drive-by service in plain sight of the front doors of the immigration offices in downtown Los Angeles? Why are we on the hook to educate their kids at the expense of our own because they don’t speak our common language and reward them for ignoring our laws by providing them with free healthcare, something we don’t provide for our own citizens? So CEOs can get richer and limousine liberals who live in white enclaves can retain brown maids and gardeners at bargain prices? Smells like indenture to me.
It’s a failure of will. Blindly throwing money at the problem and only building walls is not going to work and ignoring the repercussions of having no control over our borders is a formula for disaster.

It’s well past time for Congress to quit kicking the can down the road. Either we are a nation of laws or we’re not.


An effective border barrier is a necessary component of border security. Surveillance, technology, patrols, and rapid response to breaches are also necessary components. They are all needed and work together as a security system.

About half of the Southern border has sufficent natural barriers. Half needs an effective man made barrier. different types of barrier are needed in different places. Different types of surveillance and patrols are needed in different areas. Changes will be necessary in response to changing threats and methods of illegal entry.

We now pay $18 billion a year for health care for illegal aliens. We pay many billions more per year for education, welfare programs, crime and incarceration.

Paying $25 billon upfront, once, for a complete effective Border Barrier is a smart cost saving investment. Paying $2 billion a year to maintain and update it is small change compared to what illegal aliens cost us each year.

We will never stop all illegal immigration, nor should be bother to try. We just need to reduce it to a tolerable level. A small fraction of what it is now.

After 911 we became a surveillance society. I don’t like this, but it’s only going to get worse. Many of us are under a lot of scrutiny, FBI background checks, security clearances, TSA cards, scans, and pat downs, police and private cameras with facial recognition everywhere. Employer background screens, drug tests, etc. The NSA records every call, text, email, and click of the mouse.

Some places you cannot even get into a bar without having your ID copied and your picture taken.

It won’t be long before we will all have to carry and use government issue biometric ID cards for damn near everything we do. Eventually, these cards will contain our DNA records. Some cards already contain fingerprints, and iris scans.

Whether we want it or not, it won’t be long before we are required to carry and show a National ID Card with RFID to vote, drive, take a bus or Uber, unlock our cars and homes, enter our work places, government offices, schools, banks, stores, make a purchase, receive a paycheck, withdraw or deposit money, log into computers, etc. I don’t want any of this, but it’s coming.

When biometric IDs and readers are implemented it will become very difficult for illegal aliens to live and work in the US. But yes, there will still be a few. It will be difficult for all of us.

The faster we build the border barrier, the longer it will be before we all must show our biometic RFID cards and have our iris scans for everything we do.


Technically you are correct, for all practical purposes it amounts to a similar sentiment considering 25M have during the course of ~1980 to the present, come across without one.

Until very recently virtually all politicians would claim to want illegal immigration to stop and did not advocate open borders, however their actions spoke far lauder starting at least since ~1986/7 when Reagan granted the first amnesty in recent memory with assurances from Sen Tip O’Neil and other democrats that the border would be secured and funding provided t do so. Mind you that even earlier Cesar Chavez coined the term “wetback” and along with civil rights leaders railed against illegal immigration as undermining his Farm Workers union efforts and a tool of the wealthy landowners, but I digress. Now that we have AOC, Cory, Bernie Sanders, Rep Omar, Cory Booker and many other voices which are easy to find in short order careening the democrat party ever further into Marxism-Socialism actually articulating the ANTIFA and leftist globalist EC European position of a globalist No Borders policy as well as formally calling to disband ICE and now a well positioned voice advocating tearing down sections of the wall already in place, one must be disingenuous to ask which politician and which political party is calling for this .


He must have been very young when he did – here it is in congressional testimony in 1920.

The need to modernize dry docks at the nation’s four public shipyards was underscored in a Government Accountability Office report in 2017. It estimated the Navy needed to spend $20 billion overall to modernize the shipyard facilities, which it rated as “poor.”

Apropos of nothing I climbed that water tower as a sixteen year old. It was painted a darker green then. Note to self: Don’t wear a bright red shirt next time.

Yard security did me the ultimate dirty of telling my mother! :wink:


Who will suffer for this dog whistling vanity project? Why was the wall not constructed during the previous 2 years of the administration? He had the house and senate during that time period. Now it is an emergency? Bullshit.


So he’s been bullshitting the deplorables all this time and never really wanted to build a wall which is why he’s pretending that the Democrats are blocking his way? The man is crazy like a fox. Very clever.