Coming off an off shore vessel and trying to get into tug/tow. Have a 1600T Mate and need TOAR endorsement to be considered eligible for work. Any suggestions on who might provide on job training and TOAR cert? Trying to get foot in the door but most will want endorsement prior to work. Willing to work up ranks - just need direction on where to start.
Just pay a de to do it. There are a few operations, some better than others. The ones that use a real tug and not a 26’ workboat are better uses of $. I disagree with paying for a TOAR but you got to do what you got to do.
I’m in Panhandle of FL. Any readers have ideas of best training/schools for TOAR?
Ive heard of guys fresh out of the academy going to a small school on the hudson river that takes a day or two to get signed off. You can get a job on deck and try to get signed off by a captain/DE but that can be a long painstaking process that could take many months if not years. A lot of DE’s are afraid of liability and are slow to pencil whip someones TOAR. In some cases a young guy can do all the tasks proficiently but the DE still wont sign off just out of fear of being held responsible for future damages caused by the TOAR holder.
I decked for the same captain for 3 years and worked my ass off decking and running to wheelhouse to steer. I demonstrated my proficiency in the same evolutions multiple times and finally one day my TOAR was miraculously all signed off. I think this is the way the USCG intended the TOAR to be completed but its a really long road.
Good luck.
[QUOTE=acesouthcoast;172697]…but the DE still wont sign off just out of fear of being held responsible for future damages caused by the TOAR holder.[/QUOTE]
You have to apply to become a DE. It’s not like an STCW assessor where, until 12/31/2016, any officer of ther requisite qualifications can sign. You have to apply to NMC to become a DE. Why would anyone do that if they are unwilling to sign a TOAR? Is saying Designated Examiner such a prestigious status that you would want the tilte only?