Tides and Currents App

Anybody have a good Tides and Currents App for the smartphone? I see plenty of tides only (no currents) or apps for good fishing or jet skiing or other stuff that is pretty lame. Looking for a baked-in tide and current app that will work without connecting. Anybody have anything?

Marine weather pro. Tides, currents, live buoys, radar overlays, and NOAA coastal and offshore forecasts.

Thanks for that. Marine Weather Pro is good, but it needs a data connection. No connection-no info. Looking for something baked-in that will put the data on my phone.

I found that AyeTides worked really well for my iPhone.
In vertical screen, you get tabular data, turn it sideways and you get graphical data.

Favorite places, moonrise/set, sun rise/set etc

Thanks for that. Aye Tides is iPhone/iPad, no android (that’s me).

Tides is really good and easy to use app.

Hello friends
there are some popular apps
Sailing School
Electonic Chart Symbols
Nautical Chart Symbols
Siling Guide & Prep
Marine USA EASt
Tride Table for iPad
Tide graph HD