Is this ship ready, or is this ship ready?
Is this ship ready, or is this ship ready?
That just provided an idea … how about mounting faux guns on a few ships, or even many ships.
They would look very realistic from even a couple of feet away but be nothing more than plastic fakes. What would make them effective is that a few ships would have the real things and a security crew who knew how to use them.
Let the pirates decide which is which.
[B]Yup, and “no smoking” [/B]
That would effectively raise the stakes and the pirates sure aren’t going to show up with fake guns.
Know a certain grey crew boat that runs around GI-59 that uses the same concept.
[QUOTE=SirSandwich;57749]That would effectively raise the stakes and the pirates sure aren’t going to show up with fake guns.[/QUOTE]
What? You think they show up without guns now? The only stakes it raises are those the pirates decide to play. They are the ones betting their lives on the guns being fake … or not.
I’m not an expert but from what I have seen the M2 .50 Caliber is hard to beat. The M2 has a effective range of about 1800 meters vs 300-500 m for a RPG.
Anyway the other problem is detection. Typically there is 10 minutes from when the ship realizes it is under attack and when the pirates have control of the ship. Good night vision equipment and powerful “jack lights” are very useful.
BTW the BMP 4 recommends using “dummy” guards tied to the rail.
K.C. (aka Son of Magellan)