Check his profile and decide for yourself.
Check his profile and decide for yourself.
As mentioned by TugSailor; 1% is death rate means 3.3 million deaths in USA, if we do not get a handle on the virus. All the while our health care system can not keep up with this death march. Over 2000 healthcare workers have died treating Covid patients. . There are ancillary health care burdens that are not easily measured that have exhausted the system.
Given that societal behavior and practices can stop the spread it seems fair and reasonable that the Covid deniers who succumb to the virus kindly die at home gasping for a breath and not burden our hospitals and our dedicated healthcare workers.
Consider the stark difference between two cities of basically the same size (4 million) Melbourne, AU & Los Angeles. Melbourne flattened the curve in June. They kept the spread within a means that contract tracing could work. They are nearly back to normal. LA has 15,000 new cases a day, with over 200 deaths a day. The Government of Australia attributes their success to âcompliant citizensâ. Their leadership instituted a National Plan and the vast majority of itâs citizens could see what had to be done and complied, Their plan is still working, cases in Melbourne are closely traced and neighborhoods not whole districts are shut down when they see even one case. Australia simply looked at the best available practices and put them into play (something as mariners we do all the time). This could have easily been how USA handled the virus.
On the global stage America looks like a cross between petulant. children and morons.
How about quarantine in a tropical island, palm trees, coconuts, pina colada, a beautiful view, a hammock, a ukelele and some bbq?
There should be quarantine stations on tropical islands for all Americans returning from overseas. Prioritize the populations of the Virgin Islands, Guam and Hawaii for vaccination first. Thatâs only 2.2 million people to vaccinate. Plenty of hotel rooms there. Require all persons entering the US to quarantine there and test negative before coming to the mainland US.
Of course with a newly defanged Customs and Border Protection Agency, and a new flood of refugees and illegal immigrants coming over the wide open southern border, the Government doesnât seem to be focused on preventing Covid from coming into the country. No point in any quarantines that are only for US citizens.
Proof of this?
Look at the new executive orders! Cancellation of immigration reduction agreements with Central American countries. Cancellation of remain in Mexico policy. Reinstitution of catch and release policy. New caravans of thousands of immigrants headed for the US, increased arrests of illegal border crossers, only a fraction of the are caught. Etc. etc.
it was verified by both the CDC AND the WHO and even fear monger Fauci admits it. Its the TRUTH, conspiracy theory or not!