Crew Changes during Covid-19

Noteworthy link on

NEWS??? That has been going on for nearly a year and reported widely, including on this Forum,. Here, among other threads:

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Of course this is not news to any of us in the industry, we are living it. But noteworthy when it reaches a wider audience. Hence I thought it was worthy of passing it along. I didn’t intend to waste anyone’s time, bugg anybody, or take up space herein. I was only pleased to hear our problem recognized outside these relatively small forums. One of the participants is a former shipmate and friend. He has advocated for mariners with IMO in support of this cause. This interview was a follow up from the IMO piece in below link.

Just as you thought it was getting better. For seafarers it doesn’t help that a few rich countries becomes safe:

This pandemic is not over before the whole world is vaccinated, or otherwise immune.

Crewing crisis looms as vaccine rollout for seafarers stalls around the world:

While many countries has put new restrictions on crew change, Europe is open:

“The way we treat seafarers in 2021 is absolutely shameful!

It is not over yet and the Omicron variant may make it worse for Owners, Managers and seafarers to arrange crew changed.
But at least it is being talked about:

Don’t know if this will make any difference:

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You complained about spending a few day’s time in quarantine?: