This is a TEST of the new NMC West Virginia, This is only a TEST!

I have read many articles about how great the streamlining process with the new NMC West Virginia. How much faster they are. I have had two dealings with them so far. One was an upgrade and more recently a radar renewal. Both times the turn around times were deficient in my opinion. I recently (3-3-2008) dropped off an application for my 2nd Mate unlimited upgrade at the REC Madeville, LA. Nothing fancy. Just sea time, fingerprints, physical, drug screen, background check. The very next day it posted as received on the merchant mariner application status link on <A href="]</A> There is nothing for me to do. No test, just sea time. Oh I did have to do flashing light “AGAIN”. What a bunch of BS. Flashing light at every upgrade.<br><br>So now it is awaiting to be assigned an evaluator. It says “ready to be evaluated” (3-7-2008). I want to follow and document the process from start to finish and see if there is indeed an improvement in your opinion. Stay tuned for the next update in change of application status.

I have a very similar situation. I submitted the paperwork and certificate for my oceans upgrade. My status has been “ready to be evaluated” since 3/5/08.

<P>Don’t hold your breath gentlemen. It’s still slow. I received my upgrade back after 6 weeks. I hope you have better luck. What a waste of sea time while I was waiting! It turns into ready to be evaluated when you submit it to the REC, which is only a store front. Does not necessarily mean it has made it to the NMC. If I remember correctly, they only send accumulated paperwork out once a week. Yes, doing flashing light every upgrade is retarded. I’m in the same position. I will have to do again in October when I submit my application for Chief Mate AGT Oceans. Thank God, this will be the last test I will have to take. Like you, just sea time after CM and of course flashing light.</P>

Just checked the NMC website and my paperwork has been evaluated and forwarded up the chain for review. So far it is going a whole lot faster than my license did.

Well there must be something in the water, because my status changed to review also. 10 days total and running. <br>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width=“100%” border=0>
<TR class=listItem id=listOdd>
<TD>Credential Status</TD>
<TR class=listItem id=listEven>
<TD vAlign=top>Transaction Type</TD>
<TR class=listItem id=listOdd>
<TD vAlign=top ?>Status Information</TD>
<TD>Your application has completed the evaluation process and has been forwarded to a reviewing officer. Reviews are conducted on all completed evaluations to ensure completeness and accuracy.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Capt. Lee<br> Did you have to test for your 3rd mate unlimited? I have asked the question three times to asknmc concerning upgrading from Master 1600 to 3rd unlimited and am yet to receive a straight answer on the testing. They just keep sending me info on sea time and tonnage.

<P style="FONT-SIZE: 14px]<span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black]Doc…Here is you “Straight” Answer…<br>Depends on when you got your license.<br></span><STRONG><span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black]If you hold a 1,600 GRT license and STCW certification that was issued based on service before 1 August 1998 and who now applies for a third mate’s license must:<br>(1) 240 12 hour days or 360 8 hour days on your 1600 GRT license</span></STRONG><font size=3><br></font><STRONG><span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black](2) Complete the assessments of skills; and<br>(3) Pass the written examination.<br></span></STRONG><span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black]<STRONG><br>If you hold a 1,600 GRT license and STCW certification that was based on service that began on or after 1 August 1998 and wishes to apply for a third mate’s license must acquire the 240 12 Hour Days Sea Service or (360 8 hour days). No further testing or assessments are required.<br></STRONG><br>There is your answer. This is from NMC Policy Letter 01-02. Additional things you have to have to obtain this license if you don’t already have it is:<br>Medical Care Provider & Flashing Light Certificates<br>Flashing Light is required for every upgrade in Unlimited licenses.<br><br>Final notes. All the sea time mentioned above has to be on vessel over 200 GRT. Normally that is not a problem. A tonnage limitation is issued if you dont have sufficient amount of time on vessels over 1600 GRT. The tonnage limitation will be a minimum of 2000 tons depending on what you worked on. How they determine that? Quick example:<br></span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black]<STRONG style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal]<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Tahoma Small Cap’,‘sans-serif’; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial]The mariners whom apply to the above criteria for obtaining the first step of the upper level process will be issued tonnage limitations if at least half the experience required for service is not on a vessel over 1600 GRT.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>Half of the experience in this case is 120 (12) hour days of the total required 240 on the Master’s license. <br></span></STRONG></span><STRONG style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal]<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Tahoma Small Cap’,‘sans-serif’; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial]<span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black]Here is how the tonnage limitations work.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>If the highest tonnage on your sea time is 2520 GT and it is half of the service time, the evaluator will take that number and multiply it by 1.5.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>This will equal to 3780.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>They will round that number off to the next thousand in GRT.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>The tonnage would be 4000 GRT.</span><span style="mso-spacerun: yes]<span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black] <br></span><STRONG style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal]<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Tahoma Small Cap’,‘sans-serif’; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial]<span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black]This is the basic concept of how the determination of tonnage will be given.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>If you have over 120 (12) hour days on vessels over 1600 GRT, an unlimited tonnage will be issued.<br></span><span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Black]<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 115%; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Tahoma Small Cap’,‘sans-serif’; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA]Keep in mind the difference between the GT and the GRT.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>Gross Tons is international.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>Gross Registered Tons is domestic.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>How do you determine what equals domestic tonnage opposed to international tonnage if they don’t have dual tonnage certificates on your vessel?<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>The USCG considers 3000 GT to be equivalent to 1600 GRT.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes] </span>If the vessel does not have <span style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 115%; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Tahoma Small Cap’,‘sans-serif’; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA]a domestic tonnage certificate but only international, this equivalent number will be used to determine your eligibility.</span></span></span></span></STRONG></span></span></STRONG></P>

<P>By the Way…I’d like to have some of what they are drinking. Let us see if they don’t sip it though and it is speedy process to the end. I’m optimistic for you guys and hope it works out.</P>

Yes, Doc I had to test. I had qualifying service before 1 August 1998. I got my 100 ton Master 1998. I got my 500 ton Master 2001. I got my 1600 ton Master 2003. I got my 3rd Mate AGT in 2007, but they decided to give me the banana. I did the assessments onboard my vessel and had everything signed. I thought I would have to test, but I spoke with my evaluator and he said I would not have to test. I said are you sure? He said yes. Well it went all the way to the auditor’s supervisor and they said you have to test. I know two people who did not have to test. Those individuals did have their 1600 ton Master’s license before me. Now that it is all said and done with I am glad I had to test, because I had to get off my A$$ and study. It will be easier for me when I take the Chief Mate exam. I have been taking some Chief Mate practice tests for terrestrial and they are pretty easy. I have yet to start studying the celestial and stability. I guess I am saving the best for last. You would definitely get an answer if you filled out an application and sent them some money.

Wow Capt.Lee, you sure got all your sea time fast! Sure helps to claim 1.5 days even though you work only a straight 8 hour shift per day. And by the way, that Christmas card thing gives people the creeps.

<P>Lee <STRONG>did</STRONG> work 8hr shifts. Now he works 12hr shifts.</P>

Obtw Capt. Lee I think the closest casino to us is in Delaware. Cheers.

Mobilecap- I get carried away sometimes. Especially around the holidays. My wife and son are two things I am very proud of in my life (<STRONG>a life filled with failure and disappointments)</STRONG> and I like to brag and show off. I have been doing the Christmas Card thing for many Years now and I feel a kinship for some people on this forum and mariners in general. Sorry I creeped you out. I will keep your feelings in mind next Christmas.<br><br>anchorman is right btw. The 8 hour days are long gone. We are in training mode right now. 12 hours everyday.Thankfully our company is beefing up the bridge on here to beat the learning curve when all these new vessels come out the crews will be ready. We may never have it as good as we have for the past 5 years again.

I have not received my license yet. I may be jumping the gun, but so far everything has been running pretty smoothly. Just updated today 3-19-08 approve for print. (2 weeks and 2 days)<br>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width=“100%” border=0>
<TR class=listItem id=listOdd>
<TD>Credential Status</TD>
<TR class=listItem id=listEven>
<TD vAlign=top>Transaction Type</TD>
<TR class=listItem id=listOdd>
<TD vAlign=top ?>Status Information</TD>
<TD>Your application for this credential was approved for issuance on March 18, 2008 and will be produced shortly.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<P>You know gentlemen, this is especially in light of what Lee says, I don’t even listen to the evaluators. As technical and direct of an answer as I give above, I do my own research in lieu of listening to what they say. This has worked out for me. Some people slip through the cracks because of an evaluators ignorance. That is excellent for them. By the same token, if you don’t know the policy, you can also get the shaft. It has saved my butt more than once. If your application goes to the NMC in Virginia it is evaluated/reviewed, for a total of three times before it is all said and done. The likeliness of them missing something “now” days are slim. <br>“FYI” You know the Master’s license that are limited to 6000 GT? If you already have the 6000 GT endorsement of large OSV’s, the renewal of it is like getting a gift. Get this! When they come up for renewal and you submit it, you will recieve “Master Any Gross Tons on OSV’s”.<br>I’m not making this up. I’ve made it my business to know these things. There are a lot of people getting this endorsement. Especially because of the vessels size in the Gulf are forever getting larger. The only catch to this is…“It is LIMITING.” Only subchapter “L” vessels.</P>

It means the same thing Ironhorse. Master any Gross tons OSV or Master of Large Offshore supply vessels 500 tons domestic 6000 tons ITC or Master 6000 ITC is all the same. I personally have never seen the Master Any gross tons “YET” I have the Master OSV. It doesn’t state a tonnage restriction on it, but it is understood up to 6000 tons becasue that is the definition of an OSV. I know you know this because you say limiting only subchapter L vessels.<br><br>You are right though about knowing ahead of time exactly what you qualify for, how and why. The chances of things falling through the cracks are slim and who really want to fall through the cracks anyway? I know I don’t. <br><br>The catch with the speedy process with NMC West Virginia, I knew things were going way too fast. They just figured out that I need my STCW with this transaction. Never mind it is clearly stated on my application, my STCW is just now being reviewed. So even though my license is printed and on its way it means nothing because I do not have the STCW to back it. Oh well, my sea time will start counting towards my Chief Mate at least.

Ironhorse, You’re way off on the OSV license. I was one of the original 6 people that got the large OSV license in late 1997. There are so many variation of the license over the years, that the USCG decided to standardize the wording with master OSV and omitted the 3,000 ITC to signify the “large OSV” qualification. Master OSV is not unlimited. An OSV can only be “up to” 6,000 ton (ITC), 500 Domestic as defined in sub-chapter L. You could not build a vessel under the constructions standards of sub-chapter L larger than what’s already defined and that vessel being safe. The OSV standard will always remain restricted to the definition in the CFR by manning and construction standards.

Gentlemen, I received an email stating what I had said. What I tell you is factual.

Did the email come from Gilligan’s Island? Not trying to be a smart ass but you got your chain yanked. It can not be factual because it would be against the law. <br><br>Reference:<br>46 CFR SubChapter L Part 125.160 Definitions “Offshore Supply Vessel”<br>( I could not paste out of adobe, so you’ll have to do your own homework)<br><br>I have a Master OSV and it doesn’t have a tonnage restriction. Does that mean it’s unlimited? Yes…all the way up to 6,000 ton ITC like the CFR states.<br><br>I showed my proof, now show me yours.

If I send you an e-mail that stating I am 12 inches long does it make it factual?<br><br>I think it is “POSSIBLE” that an REC that does not deal with OSV licenses may have not known how to write it and it ended up like that, but that is pure speculation. Don’t take offense. Your responses have some validity. I just think you have a different interpretation. Does it make any sense what I am saying or are you just being hard head?