Thinking about career change

Hi folks,

I’m currently 36 years old and work as a truck driver, the money is okay and the experience is okay but I’ve been thinking about getting into the Merchant Marine line of work.

I’ve started working on my TWIC card and I understand the MMC be the next target beyond that.

I’m leaning towards the piney point/SIU route over MSC but I don’t live particularly close to a union hall.

If I apply to the piney point apprenticeship program how much notice will I have to schedule a test for the math and reading comprehension? Nearest one is in New Jersey about a 4-Hour drive away from where I live but I would have to coordinate with my current job.

I’m also wondering about the port cities down around the Gulf of Mexico:
Jacksonville, fort Lauderdale and Houston.

Do any of these cities have an especially great job market for Mariners?

My goal would be to move after the apprenticeship down to one of these cities.

I’m sure you guys get a lot of “new to the industry” type questions so thank you for your time.

Any other advice or thoughts would be appreciated as well

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I can’t speak to the apprenticeship or big boat jobs, but there’s plenty of tug work in those harbors. Additionally there’s companies all over the east coast that will pay for your travel, even as a fresh ordinary seaman. That could open your possibilities.

That’s something to consider, I guess I was targeting AB through piney point because of the enhanced earning potential.

I gross 270 daily with my current truck driving job but I’m hoping to up that to 4 or 500 with AB or tankerman

Heh…sure are a few of us truckers looking to make a switch these days. I’m in the same boat and waiting to hear back from SIU after taking the exam.

I can’t answer anything, but I want to wish you luck. In the meantime, keep the rubber side down driver.

Thanks man, let me know how it goes

You won’t get that with SIU.

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The good news is once you get your entry level mmc, 270 a day shouldn’t be too hard to find. You may actually get started at a higher rate than that. I can’t speak for ships, but on tugs and OSVs, ordinary seaman pay is in the high 200s/low 300s.

Most of the highest paying jobs are rotational and liveaboard, so i wouldn’t get too hung up on moving. It is helpful to live somewhat close to a large airport though.

From what I hear its not uncommon for an AB who holds a tankerman making a day rate in the high 400s/low 500s on an ATB.
It will take you some time once you get your foot in the door somewhere. Centerline, Moran, Crowley, Vane, etc…

You may have to gain some seatime elsewhere and use a couple other companies as a stepping stone to move up too. A lot of places have gotten picky with hiring entry level.


@Ctony is correct. I think the company I work for in NY is hiring OSs at $300 with the $15/day travel stipend included. AB is another $80-$100/day plus more travel money … Works out to the neighborhood of $54k/yr and $74k per year respectively on a 14/14 schedule.

Boggles my mind that so many folks post MSC vs SIU, as if those are the only options for entry level. They are not, by a long shot.


Thanks for the insight, I live in Massachusetts about 4 hours from NYC.

Piney point just seemed like the most efficient way to grab the AB rank

Tug companies at least for the harbor/inland fleets don’t differentiate between AB special limited unlimited etc. same pay.

Working an even schedule in NYH you’ll be able to get AB special & Lifeboatman in under a year.
Hustle a bit and you’ll can get your tankerman signed off as well.

Then if you want to go offshore work on getting your STCW RFPNW PSC etc…. You can get it signed off or go to a class.

If you can afford the hit in income for a bit, look into a career in HVAC as compared to sailing. Much better long term rewards where within 5 years you can be your own boss, and relative to sailing, after 29 years, the office looks at you like a necessary inconvenience.


Same to you. Its only been about 10 days since I passed. The people at the Union Hall told me to wait up to 14 days for a response. Still, kind of nervous from waiting.