The tale of two buildings

There are two buildings in the world that is the official Hq of more ship owning companies, with more tonnage on the books than many national ship registries in the world.

One is in Hamilton, Bermuda, a British Overseas Territory in the middle of the Atlantic:
S.E. PEARMAN BULDING, 9 Par La Ville Road, Hamilton, Bermuda:

PS> A lot of the shipping companies appear to be on 2nd Floor.

The second one is a bit difficult to pinpoint.
80 Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia:
Sorry, no pictures found of this building, but here is Broad Street in all it’s glory:

The UK is not the only country that has created a web of offshore secrecy. In our latest investigation published today in South Africa’s Daily Maverick in cooperation with AmaBhungane, we probe Liberia – America’s offshore outpost in Africa.


Germany used to have a tax rebate for shipowners registered with Liberia. I always wondered what 80 Broad Street looked like, even though I have no desire to go and find out.

80 Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia.



Under Liberian law the LISCR Trust Company, a private entity with the address of 80 Broad Street, is the exclusive agent for all Liberian non-resident corporations. This means that all such corporations have the same mailing address – 80 Broad Street, Monrovia. Broad Street is the commercial heart of downtown Monrovia. But 80 Broad Street does not actually exist.


That is correct:

LISCR’s Hq. is actually in this building:

22980 Indian Creek Drive, Suite 200 | Dulles, Virginia 20166, USA

Their Monrovia office address is:
80 Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia
Source: Liberian Corporate Registry

While the actual Monrovia office is housed in this building:
76V6+VF6, Tubman Blvd.,
Source: Google Maps

CIA stuff maybe ?

And the plot thickens…

If you look at the current street view on Google Maps, you’ll see LISCR has moved out of that Monrovian address and it has been turned into an insurance center.

No more signs on the wall and no flags (Liberian and US) in front, but The LISCR Trust Company is still listed at that address. Anybody know where they are now??
PS> It is NOT at 80 Broad Street, that address is held by

The only other listing is LISCR FC (Football Club). Same address + at Antoinette Tubman Stadium.

Think I MAY have found #80 Broad Street:

The vacant lot here. (next to the BBQ shop)