Tank Barge PIC

I currently work on an ATB or as the coast guard classes it a dual mode ITB. We are married with a barge and I have been having trouble getting the tank barge PIC endorsement. The coast guard stated that my time only counts towards the 180 closely related days and not the 60 required. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem before. I am going to resubmit my application and state that I stand cargo watches as well since I am not sure that they new that. We stand 6 on/6off watches as 3rd and 2nd mates. Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks

What did your sea service letter say? How was the sea time listed? . I would bet the seaservice letter was worded wrong

The original sea service letter stated that I worked on atb’s and nothing about standing cargo watches. The new one states that they are dual mode ITB’s and that we stand cargo watch aboard the barge 6on/6off. It includes the vessel and barge combined gross tonnage.

Did you get a letter with your 5 loads and 5 discharges? 2 starts and 2 finishes!

When I got mine all I sent was the Loands and Discharge letter (the Captain can make that), a latter of seatime, and the drug letter. And I had no problems.

Yea I have all the loads and discharges. They just said that ATB time only counts towards the 180 closely related days and not the 60 required.

I don’t understand that. It is still a barge… Our did they think you were applying for tankerman pic, not tankerman pic - barge?

I don’t either. The only thing that would make me think they want 180 days is because they don’t understand what an atb “dual mode itb” does. We stay with the barge 24/7. Mates stand cargo watches too.

No they knew it was for barge.

Well you may want to challenge that. If you have a letter with the loads and discharges(and the Barge Official number), the Tankerman PIC Class, and Advance Firefighting their is no reason for them to deny your Tankerman PIC-Barge.

I’m in the process of going through an appeal right now. Will let everyone know how it goes. There’s no difference between a barge that’s with an atb and one that is pushed by a tug. They both transport dangerous liquids and require tankerman pic barge. What happens if I get turned down? Is there someone else to bring this too?

Your original problem with the application stems from the original sea service letter being written wrong.

It all hinges on the sea service letter. It must be written properly. It sounds as if your first letter was written incorrectly. You applied for a PIC barge. Your sea service letter only stated ATB. The NMC doesn’t care. The sea service letter to get PIC must show the requisite service on an inspected petroleum vessel (ship or barge) with the correct amount of days in service, and the required amount of loads and discharges, commencement and completion, and hose handling. The NMC isn’t impressed with the fancy words ATB. It doesn’t matter what YOU “State” in your application. It matters what the company puts in the sea service letter.

After re reading your posts it appears that your HR dept. is not up to speed on writing the letters to the CG. Once red flag is your comment that tug barge combined tonnage is used. Combined Tonnage ONLY counts towards pilotage. In a regular renewal ONLY the tug tonnage is concerned. Mentioning that makes me wonder what else the office doesn’t understand?!

In my experience the load and discharge letter is separate from the normal sea time letter. The captain can write and sign a load and discharge letter that has to specifically state at least the minimum loads, discharges, starts, and stops. It should probably also list your time on board.

You are correct Capt! That is the only way I have seen the letter!!

So let me see if I got all this for BARGE tankerman-pic

Letter/Form signed off by the captain showing load/unload/start/stop w/ minium loads noted.

60 days seatime on a barge doing this.

a drug letter (test?)

A Tankerman PIC Class AND advanced firefighting.

So this is all I need?

Did I get it??

[QUOTE=Rebel_Rider1969;75459]So let me see if I got all this for BARGE tankerman-pic

Letter/Form signed off by the captain showing load/unload/start/stop w/ minium loads noted.

60 days seatime on a barge doing this.

a drug letter (test?)

A Tankerman PIC Class AND advanced firefighting.

So this is all I need?

Did I get it??[/QUOTE]
Even if you haven’t taken the PIC class yet, keep track of your loads and discharges. Most companies have a standard form that can be signed off for each load or discharge.

[QUOTE=injunear;75460]Even if you haven’t taken the PIC class yet, keep track of your loads and discharges. Most companies have a standard form that can be signed off for each load or discharge.[/QUOTE]


Now after reading more it looks like only Basic firefighting is required, I have that. Damm NMC makes me mental.

The loads and discharges form is required. I think you can download it on the website. For my renewal, I had to show recency, and a letter from my captain with dates, times, product, and amount did the trick.


From what I read working on a tug pushing/pulling the barge would meet the 180 days “closely related” service?? Am I right?

I wonder if my deck service on an USN unrep ship would count? I still have about 240 days not “used” Then all I would need would be regency? of X days and the transfer form? (plus the cargo class $720)

It all depends upon HOW the letter is written!

I wonder if my deck service on an US N unrep ship would count? I still have about 240 days not “used” Then all I would need would be regency? of X days and the transfer form? (plus the cargo class $720)

I don’t believe it would count since none of your supervisors had/have a PIC. And it was NOT aboard a USCG inspected petroleum carrying vessel. And besides that any letters you have MUST BE SIGNED by the officer who observed you doing this function. Just your DD-214 don’t cut it… Ain’t interservice rivalry grand!

You are driving yourself crazy over this “used/unused” day crap. Take a breather! You need to carefully re read some of the past posts. The correct info has been given.