SUNY needs cruise officers

See below.;jsessionid=107D5B11653B69221F22BF3DD4622539;jsessionid=6C2CADBA70680D25428A4F4027856C90;jsessionid=8596D30EB3A0DB63641C4040AC2BC94D?fbclid=IwAR1E0XhHSUMI-92o5zi5kveUCuxGgV_G6aMVxJG8JQHBRsBZm7OvhHcmB7Y

The posting is a little vague it just says deck and engine training, instruction, operations and watch standing. That’s probably not gonna help considering I doubt you’re going to do any port calls.

I’m assuming you’re having problems because usually the crew is older retired people who don’t want to come out because of covid.

Are you saying that people don’t want to serve on prison ship for $150 a day?

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Don’t disrespect the justice system like that. Prison has better food and beds.


People don’t go on these things for the paycheck.

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That’s true, and if I didn’t have a steady job right now I’d consider it myself.

Years ago, when I was the ABS guy in Galveston, one of the Korean captains of an Amoco tanker (I said it was years ago) made a visit to TAMUG and took a tour of the TEXAS CLIPPER. His first comment about the ship was that Korean prisons provided better housing. . . I am just assuming he meant South Korean. . . . .


Supposedly pay scales were adjusted, someone tells me they were up to $255 per day.

Obviously not as good as sailing off the board but still a hike from previous years.